Has CAG lost its way?

  • http://indianexpress.com/article/india/gujarat/irrigation-projects-in-gujarat-remained-incomplete-for-14-long-years-cag/

  • When people write their report on CAG's working, they will unanimously say "We are happy CAG has at last found its voice after fourteen long years!" Media can also be more effective if they publish alongside the explanation given by the government for this lapse. Otherwise one may conclude that just like the CAG, the media is also only indulging in pick and publish game pandering to its bias, instead of discharging its duty to enlighten readers.
  • The opposition should also realize, just like the CAG, that their adversarial role of being in opposition or auditing what the government had done, does not mean you have to find fault day in and day out in everything the government does. It has a very important role to play in good governance as much as the ruling party has. That is by constructive criticism. If they can do this sincerely, people will recognize them also equally and appreciate their contribution for the development of the nation. Who knows a day may come when there will be only two sides of the government, one ruling party and the other collaborating party. In elections people will choose which party will rule and which will collaborate. The parties will become partners in progress in the real sense and not two sides of self-seekers.   


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