WHY our PM is harping on Development? It is not empty mind
but empty stomach which is devil's playground!
How to bring about at least reasonable peace without
violence and destruction all around? The one word answer is 'development'. Take
those who have not much education, no land and/or house worth calling their
own, no job or totally unsatisfactory one, no family as such. Would you expect
them to behave like a responsible member of the society? Far from it. They hate
the society. They think every moment of their life that the 'society' is against
them and not providing them with opportunities and they hate it
whole-heartedly. They are more prone to criminal activities for one, it
provides them with some sustenance, besides absolves them from feeling any
guilt about it because they sincerely and seriously believe they are taking
revenge against the society and therefore the rules framed by the society do
not apply to them. Rather they happily break those rules just for the heck of
it. That is the reason they exhibit wantonly uncouth behaviour in public,
indulge in petty quarrels or join street fights and demonstrations to vent
their frustration.
Now, think of the same person going up the ladder of
recognition. Getting some education or skill; finding a job with reasonable
salary, some regularity in life even if it is not very satisfactory and above
all some hope of going up the ladder in the near future. As he goes up and up
in the ladder, he accepts the rules of behaviour of the society even without
being aware of it. Once he reaches a level which he thinks is satisfactory
keeping in mind his own qualification, you find him a reasonable member of the
society. Most of the people belong to this category.
It is not as though all the poor living in undeveloped or
poorly developed countries are anti-social. Not at all. Everyone compares his
state with that of others. When all are almost poor he does not have much to
complain! Almost the whole of Africa in the last century was in such a state.
Probably Eskimos living near the pole are not very unhappy or at least we do
not anything about it!
The higher the percentage of population of a nation who are inimical to the society, the lesser you will
find its development. This dissatisfaction of populace did not find much
expression till about Communism found an expression. Fortunately the absence of
equality among people in communism, brought in socialism and the absence of
free expression of one's own gave birth
to democracy.
But democracy by itself has not brought in peace or
prosperity. What is missing? What brings in stable tranquility in democracy? It
is DEVELOPMENT. Nothing but development. As compared to a couple of centuries
back, almost all developed countries are at peace now. Even the infrequent
friction among these developed countries can be found to be based on
competition for development. What is noticeable is after WWII and atomic
weapons, nations have realized destruction by war will not bring in any peace
and prosperity for those involved in it. Even the comparatively small wars
indulged in were more because of the imbalance of prosperity.
What do we learn from all this? The more developed and
prosperous one is, he is likely to abhor violence, which always leads to
destruction. WHY our PM is harping on Development? It is not empty mind
but empty stomach which is devil's playground!
This is the reason why our Prime Minister is
focusing on development to the exclusion of almost everything else. He is not
wrong. All other needs of society such as harmony, education and employment for
all, housing and good living condition, are possible only AFTER development
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