NDTV HAS CORRECTED BEEN IDENTIFIED AS PRESSTITUTE: Just like a pimp carrying out orders of her pimp!

If someone writes a congratulatory letter, does it mean he has capitulated? Since Advani has not done so, will it mean he is a confirmed critic of all things Modi? It is time people read any news with a little more attention than they pay now. These small words like 'capitulated' inserted strategically while seemingly informing you about a fact, subtly convey a view on that 'fact' also. When you read them together and accept the fact (which you will do as it is in fact a fact!) you will also accept the implied sense also, which exactly what the media is trying to sell you on behalf of its pay masters. Remember you hardly pay anything to the media in return for the 'news' they serve you. All their payments come to them from their masters whom they serve faithfully. Freeloaders like you can go to dogs for all they care. One easy way to correctly read any news is to delete all adjectives and adverbs and only focus on the rest! http://goo.gl/qddOkW


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