
Showing posts from July, 2016
WHAT IS THE PRIORITY OF HINDUS NOW & WHY? It is not that RSS is opposed to freedom of speech or co-existing with other religions. If it had been so, soon after partition when the whole of India was totally against Muslims and Kashmir was burning Hindus and driving them out, RSS could have taken advantage of the situation and driven out the remaining Muslim population and settled the issue of J&K once for all. RSS did not do so because consolidation of Hindus was most important at that time, after achieving which establishing the supremacy of Hindus in Bharat could be taken up. That time has come now. It is time not to cut our own legs. It is time not to squabble on small issues. Or even big issues which have been plaguing Hinduism for long. Our first priority is to make ourselves so strong that as someone said, enemies should not dare to meet us eye to eye. Our own issues can wait, we shall resolve them in due course. After we consolidate. The time now is ripe. India has...
MANEKA's OUTBURST AGAINST NCW chief Lalitha Kumaramangalam If the Commission was going to take action as it deemed fit and does not say what it will deem fit, what is the purpose of the warning? Maneka's outburst is meaningless. When a celebrity is proceeded against and punished, a very large number of people come to know what will happen to them if they indulge in such a crime. Otherwise does anyone care what NCW does? Proceedings against VIP are great publicity that helps the cause. What action, except being a post office, Maneka can take when a complaint is addressed to her, except delaying direct action? Does she think any government officer will bother to follow up dozens of routine letters received every day? When forwarded, it will not even be treated as an FIR by police station because the original message would have been addressed to her and I do not think it will constitute an FIR.
TERRORISTS ARE NOT DEVILS INCARNATE. ONLY ORDINARY HUMANS. Your enemy always threatens you with what he thinks is his best weapon, especially if he knows either you do not know to use that weapon or for any other reason. As long as terrorists know that U will not kill them outright without a trial and also that you will not kill a whole crowd in which a few of them might be hiding, it will be their best weapon. Those in a crowd who R not terrorists also keep silent out of fear not because they are united with or support the terrorists. Thus most of terrorists do not get punished for their dastardly action, which gives them a false feeling of elation and power of being right. Those who keep quiet because of fear also do not escape the wrath of these terrorists. But fear makes them put up with terrorists. They do not understand by exposing the terrorists to law enforcement, they will be helping themselves. In the circumstances the only way left to put an end to terrorism wi...
HOW TO SAVE TIME, MONEY AND LABOR IN EXECUTION OF PROJECTS Why project cost increases? Big projects need to be planned and executed in time for two important reasons. One is the earlier it is done, the less it will cost. Execution in time is also very important so that not only the project starts yielding its fruits as planned, but also again to save cost escalation due to inflation and price rise. Besides having to pay additional amounts for the labor retained and loss of interest on investment till it becomes operational could be avoided. Project Planning: If a study of project implementation is made of various projects undertaken in the last decade it will be seen that not one project was implemented in time. One of the many reasons, but found in every project report, for increase in the project cost enormously will be delay in the START of implementation. If you again check the reason for this delay one reason will stand out: DELAY IN ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE. Pr...