MANEKA's OUTBURST AGAINST NCW chief Lalitha Kumaramangalam

If the Commission was going to take action as it deemed fit and does not say what it will deem fit, what is the purpose of the warning? Maneka's outburst is meaningless. When a celebrity is proceeded against and punished, a very large number of people come to know what will happen to them if they indulge in such a crime. Otherwise does anyone care what NCW does? Proceedings against VIP are great publicity that helps the cause. What action, except being a post office, Maneka can take when a complaint is addressed to her, except delaying direct action? Does she think any government officer will bother to follow up dozens of routine letters received every day? When forwarded, it will not even be treated as an FIR by police station because the original message would have been addressed to her and I do not think it will constitute an FIR.


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