Your enemy
always threatens you with what he thinks is his best weapon, especially if he
knows either you do not know to use that weapon or for any other reason. As
long as terrorists know that U will not kill them outright without a trial and
also that you will not kill a whole crowd in which a few of them might be
hiding, it will be their best weapon. Those in a crowd who R not terrorists
also keep silent out of fear not because they are united with or support the
terrorists. Thus most of terrorists do not get punished for their dastardly
action, which gives them a false feeling of elation and power of being right.
Those who
keep quiet because of fear also do not escape the wrath of these terrorists.
But fear makes them put up with terrorists. They do not understand by exposing
the terrorists to law enforcement, they will be helping themselves.
In the
circumstances the only way left to put an end to terrorism will be to make a
public announcement that those who do not expose these terrorists will be
treated as collaborators and meet with same fate as terrorists. They should also
be told in clear terms that any future punitive action will not be restrained
only because the collaborators and their families might be endangered. It
should be emphasized to them that for a few of their safety, society at large
will not be made to suffer for long. It should also be made public that all
informers will be given as much protection as possible.
After this
announcement when government forces
attack terrorists, such as a crowd of people throwing stones at police, firing
at the crowd should be quite severe. Many might be killed and more injured. All of
them should be made to realize government meant business. All those killed and / or wounded should be
fully investigated and their families informed that whenever another such
incident takes place, police will not resort to firing below knee level, but
will shoot to kill.
What could
be the result? Some of them might become hard core. But most of them will think
twice before indulging in violence. Not
all terrorists are fully motivated. If informers are also well rewarded, it
should be possible to really make a complete list of trouble mongers.
The idea is
showing the power of government instead of how amicable it is in negotiations,
will have better result. There might be sympathetic demonstrations in other
places. But any crowd knows that everyone in the crowd will be running away
from a police gun the minute first shot is fired. Give free hand to police and
let everyone know about it.
compensation of any sort should be paid to dead or injured, except some life
saving treatments. They should be asked to fend for themselves. Large compensations
to dead and injured is an incentive for trouble.
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