
Showing posts from November, 2016
Judicial scholarship While releasing the book Inner Fire last week, Chief Justice of India T S Thakur acknowledged that it was the first time that he was presiding over a book launch which had nothing to do with the legal profession. Inner Fire is a translation and analysis of the Zoroastrian sacred verses, the Gathas, which date back to the age of prophet Zarathustra, somewhere between 6500BC to 1000 BC. The Gathas were passed on from generation to generation through oral tradition and the language in which they were originally composed is dead. The book’s author is Thakur’s fellow judge, Justice Rohinton Nariman, an ordained Zoroastrian priest who painstakingly reconstructed the original meaning of the words through comparisons with Sanskrit, since ancient Avestha and Rigvedic Sanskrit have much in common. Another legal luminary and linguist, former Justice B N Srikrishna, used Sanskrit to translate the Zoroastrian prayer on truth, Ashem Vohu, for the audience. Both Justices Nariman...
WHAT IS 'EVEN ' DISTRIBUTION OF NATIONAL WEALTH? Inconvenience caused by middle and poor to rich, is always gotten rid of; from removal of huts for laying highways to taking over large tracts of fertile land for townships, by claiming it is being done for good of 'all'! Ask millions of one day old chicks killed daily for good of all! Not much different. Nobody tries to find out why the government should spend billions in airports for convenience of a miniscule percentage of community to travel comfortably and save time! Economic development should start from bottom to benefit all, not top down as in all 'democratic economies' dominated by rich and affluent. Why should we compete with the most developed economies just to show the world we are as good as they are, when they are laughing at the shanties in midst of our glittering cities? When will our leadership realize that elite should be asked to put up with little inconveniences like slow moving traffic, ...
LET'S EVALUATE WORTH BEFORE WE BUY! One of the ways to keep in check our bloggers from overdoing could be giving them marks out of 100 for how much you believe in what they say and include a cumulative count. This will not only keep them sober but also will bring out the best in them to the top, irrespective of their sponsors. Readers cannot be taken for a ride anymore by opinianated and verbose bloggers without basic premises or data or who are riding on past glory. The so called opinion makers (in fact they are "so called" because they are, unfortunately) will not any more be "so called" just because they happen to be writing in famous magazines. The same can also go for TV channel commentators and hosts.
Let's compare daily performance of our PM with other leaders! A suggestion for Journalists and Channels! May I suggest a regular tweet feast by a reputed journalist / TV channel with resources to start tweeting daily what PM Modi said or did after the day he took over the reigns of present govt corresponding to present day, comparing it with what Rahul Baba et al said or did? It can start with a write up on what both did and/or said a couple of days earlier corresponding to say Nov. 10 in 2014 and then follow it up every day? May be ZEE TV or some other channel can make it a part of their daily review of events. It will put in a nutshell before people in stark light a true comparison between the performance of our PM and others.
The New UFA! “Utopia for All” (UFA) was inaugurated by its new President on January 20, 2025. As he rightly observed it was indeed a great achievement. After all the turbulence during 2017/20, the President who took office in ’21 kept his word. Immediately after his election he nominated the New Constitution Commission (NCC) consisting of ONLY persons known for their intellectual honesty and non-partisan attitude. The Commission was assisted by various sub-groups consisting of younger generation well known in different fields. The sub-groups held their own meetings earlier and drafted some questions, elaborately explaining present conditions in fields associated with them. The response received was widely publicized in media and discussed at smaller meetings. Finally pointed questions were framed asking people to respond in a format such that answers could specifically be weighted from most popular to most unpopular. They were also further categorized under different groups...
In his final address Trump is expected to say: "Just before I decided to go for Presidency, what I saw before me was that the colorful face of our nation was getting divided into a contorted face of a violent joker. Then & there I decided to "Make America Great Again!" In their white anger people were not seeing or listening to each other. There was only one way to wake them up from their stupor of hatred. I fed them a bigger dose of hatred. They first loved it; loved me. Those in the other side, who were looking at what was earlier happening as though it did not concern them much and were going about their way, also were frightened by the spectre. They also woke up and started talking seriously and sincerely about what a calamity we would be facing, if we continued that way. Even those of my stupified friends also realized. The tide turned. Now we are all united. I am sorry I had to put up with a lot of acting, vulgar display, etc. to wake up all. Finally I am ha...