Inconvenience caused by middle and poor to rich, is always gotten rid of; from removal of huts for laying highways to taking over large tracts of fertile land for townships, by claiming it is being done for good of 'all'! Ask millions of one day old chicks killed daily for good of all! Not much different. Nobody tries to find out why the government should spend billions in airports for convenience of a miniscule percentage of community to travel comfortably and save time! Economic development should start from bottom to benefit all, not top down as in all 'democratic economies' dominated by rich and affluent. Why should we compete with the most developed economies just to show the world we are as good as they are, when they are laughing at the shanties in midst of our glittering cities? When will our leadership realize that elite should be asked to put up with little inconveniences like slow moving traffic, while vast majority don’t have basic necessities. Trying to build huge townships in middle of large slums? Don't give me the bull shit all of India is progressing. Disparity between the poor and rich is increasing by leaps and bounds. Unless it shrinks fast and perceptibly, it will tantamount to govt knowingly siding with rich and all talk about helping poor is for the birds.

I understand everyone, poor or rich, look out for themselves first. Nobody needs to be philanthropic and by nature self comes first before others. That is why we have a government which is supposed to be even handed and help ALL to move up. But are democratic governments like the one in India, doing their best by being even handed, making sure the resources of government are EVENLY distributed between all? No. The govt should educate the upper class that the national wealth EVENLY belongs to all and the rich CANNOT claim a major proportion of it to make their living more comfortable and their businesses prosper at a FASTER rate or their children get a much better education as compared to the increase in similar comforts and facilities available to the rich. It should be the other way. A huge proportion of available wealth should be spent on the lower strata of society rather than the rich. That is real socialism. What we are doing now is diluted socialism. While this may satisfy large masses to a certain extent, sooner than later, the disparities will become more stark than they are at present. We can already see their effects in the so called developed nations. The unrest among its large populace is worrying its leaders in spite of the nations being the most prosperous. Are we not going to learn any lesson from this? Our nation is where they were a few decades back. They have become immensely prosperous. But what about the dangerous underlying social disparities? They have only MULTIPLIED.

Our present government is very well aware of it. It has been doing a lot more than any previous government has done or even many other developing economies are doing. I have a suggestion.

In our Universities, Public and Private Administration, other other fields, we have a large number of eminent persons rendering yeoman service. They are giving their best not for money or fame. They are doing it because that is their nature. Cannot we empower them much more to guide the government? Cannot we place them as the heads of policy makers, attached to various ministries without being involved in administration or politics? The present advisory panels are, we know, full of party hacks and self proclaimed intellectuals. If leadership is really serious, they can do much better in paving a better path for the nation. Please keep the selection, composition, agenda, decisions, etc. of these advisory bodies as much away from our 'journalists' and 'media'. They will have nothing to contribute except nit picking and diverting their focus. Keep these bodies totally exclusive and private interacting with very senior bureaucrats and ministers only. We do have such eminent persons who have no axes of their own to grind and should be more than happy to be of some service. If at all they are not coming forward offering their help, it is only because of the bickering and waste of time and energy which they abhor. They are there in all fields, Do please find them. Use them. They are not acclaim seekers but will be more than happy to be of help. 


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