In his final address Trump is expected to say:

"Just before I decided to go for Presidency, what I saw before me was that the colorful face of our nation was getting divided into a contorted face of a violent joker. Then & there I decided to "Make America Great Again!" In their white anger people were not seeing or listening to each other. There was only one way to wake them up from their stupor of hatred. I fed them a bigger dose of hatred. They first loved it; loved me. Those in the other side, who were looking at what was earlier happening as though it did not concern them much and were going about their way, also were frightened by the spectre. They also woke up and started talking seriously and sincerely about what a calamity we would be facing, if we continued that way. Even those of my stupified friends also realized. The tide turned. Now we are all united. I am sorry I had to put up with a lot of acting, vulgar display, etc. to wake up all. Finally I am happy I had succeeded. I know Hillary is the most capable President we could have. I wish her all success."   


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