Real story behind Rahul's fear for the life of Sonia Gandhi! Natwar Singh turns out to be Natwar Lal!

There have been reports that after Sonia met the President Mukherjee after the elections in 2004 and submiitted a list of her party members, it was considered the last step before she was called to form the govt but the President was advised subsequent to the meeting that she could not become the PM, because under the reciprocal agreement between India and Italy, Sonia could not become the PM of India because no Indian taking up citizenship of Italy, can become the PM of Italy. That is the reason MMS was appointed PM in the last minute.

The truth behind the Rahul's fear for the life of Sonia was to be confirmed by Natwar Singh and therefore Sonia and Priyanka met him as he says and persuaded him to float the Rahul Gandhi angle to the story so that it will look legitimate coming from an 'enemy'. Death threat to Sonia would have continued irrespective of whether she became a PM or not, because Rajiv Gandhi was the enemy of Sri Lankan people and she was his wife. Natwar Singh has proved himself a Natwar Lal finally!


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