
Showing posts from March, 2015
SHOULD INDIA GO THE SAO PAULO WAY? Sao Paulo, capital of Brazil, is undergoing a severe shortage of water. There is no water in taps five days a week. On the other two days only intermittent  supply. The dam supplying water to the city holds now only around 5% of its capacity! Why this has happened to a country with the biggest river, densest jungles and most fertile land? For more than half a century, they destroyed their jungles to reclaim land for growing cash crops; For export they encouraged meat and poultry industries; they mined extensively for minerals, coal and diamond.  They got more than what they wanted. They became prosperous and a shining example of a backward country trying to compare itself with very developed countries. But alas, in a decade it is more likely to become the poorest country begging for everything.  All because of  going for industrial revolution to uplift its poor and the nation itself, to the exclusion of  all other m...
WHEN CHIDAMBARAM STRAINS HIS MIND, HE BLABBERS Only a 'lawyer' like Chidambaram will think the auction prices will be paid by the companies. Everybody knows who will be paying. Only Congresswalas think it will be the government! He talks as though price of electricity has been very low for a long time and has never increased. Can he name a single item the cost of which has not gone up in the last ten years? A new industry will cost a lot more in today's rupees as compared to what it was a decade ago. While gloating about imminent price increases, Chidambaram should also explain how come there was not much electricity produced? It was because not all the mines were being worked and supplies increased. Why? Because only when there is shortage, you can make black money. The mining companies were making hell of a lot of black money, so much so that in connivance with the Congress government they made sure competition was restricted. Now with supplies of coal increasin...
WHY CANNOT ANNA ADMIT HE WAS MISTAKEN? Anna would know in India farming has been profitable to selected rich farmers who have the facility of tubewells, electricity or motor to run them, and a reasonable acreage under cultivation. This kind of farmers constitute a very small percentage. The rest depend on weather God for a good crop and are steeply indebted to money lenders. They hold on to their land as long as possible because they do not have any other source of income and there are no jobs available where they can find a job along with farming. If their land is acquired at a good price it should be a God sent opportunity to them. Instead they are being instigated to agitate against the take over their land by political parties who cared less when they were ruling for decades. Government should ask district collectors to hold regular public meetings and explain to the farmers the benefit if they offer the land to government. One way to break the deadlock could be for the...
Do two wrongs make one right?   If Vatican would not allow a Hanuman Mandir, it will be wrong. Did you ask them for permission to build? How many 'Hindus' who worship Hanuman live in Vatican? Let's remember: We had gone through at different times very very violent communal riots. Only and I repeat ONLY anti-nationals, even if it is given a nice name like RSS, will start a religious war, even before our poor have been well fed. This action of RSS will not make us a great nation, but will take us down to compete with Pakistan for recognition in world forum. The time has come for BJP to cut its umbilical chord with RSS. RSS might dream that by these kinds of actions it is uniting Hindus. If BJP supports this view, it will be sadly mistaken. These actions will only unite those belonging to all other religions and also a major portion of honest secular Hindus against BJP.
YOU CAN TAKE A HORSE TO DRINK, BUT CANNOT MAKE IT DRINK! Day in and day out we read about the collaboration of associations of industry in subverting the process of legislation in all its aspects so as to benefit the interests of concerned industry at the cost of public interest. In many cases  such subversion has resulted in very long term and in some cases irreversible. Media, especially those not dependent upon industry handouts, do their duty, like TIME magazine regularly publish articles which expose these associations. But I doubt there is any follow up action to rectify the past mistakes. Should not we all be ashamed? The media is taking us to drink, but we are not drinking. Whose fault it is? What do you propose to do about it?
AAMIR KHAN SLAPS IN THE FACE OF PK CRITICS : Aamir Khan needed to apologize only to those who had been hurt; therefore by adding the word 'if' and repeating that he stands by the movie, he has made the apology meaningless. It is in fact a slap in their face. What he implies is: "Go ahead and agitate against me and my movies; I cannot care less and I have 600 crores to prove it."  He is trying to mend the fences with all those who watch his TV shows and movies and is trying to placate them so that he does not lose their monetary support. If he was sincere he would have apologized long back, not after he has milked all he could from PK. Anyway he will learn his lesson when he comes around seeking people's support. He will find them fully awake now. You can fool some people all the time, all people for some time; but not all people for all the time!
IF YOU HAVE A SCORPION FOR A FRIEND, BE PREPARED TO BE STUNG FREQUENTLY! Shiv Sena has proved that you should not expect good behavior just because you are friendly with the snake. This should have been expected. Even in the normal course a snake is poisonous; over and above that BJP had kept it on tenterhooks for its over ambitions before and after Maharashtra state elections. BJP should have known that its leaders who are cashing 'marathi manus' mercilessly will not allow it one peaceful night and severed all connections at least after the elections, daring a re-election. BJP leaders have not yet known what is brinkmanship. Shiv Sena is a better player in that game. Anyway, it is not too late. Give them back in their own coins. Give them a really last warning to mend their ways. They will mend. They will not kill the goose that is laying golden eggs for them.
WOLVES IN BLACK COATS! It is a fact that our legal system created with a view to protect innocent people who are charged with crime intentionally or by mistake, is being misused by criminals with money power. Everybody knows about this. What we forget is money ALONE will not get our system subverted. While we abuse our legal system for this corruption, we NEVER say a word of condemnation against those who help these criminals to misuse the system for money! Rather they are all VERY WELL RESPECTED citizens making hundreds of thousands a day of work, all legally. Many of them have been and some are Ministers in the State and Central Government. Yes, I am talking about the great lawyers of India. We all know how they subvert the system with their 'connections' in the right place to get their high priced criminal clients bailed out, drag on the case for years and ultimately get them acquitted or with the minimum possible punishment under law after decades. Who can forget U...