Do two wrongs make one right? 

If Vatican would not allow a Hanuman Mandir, it will be wrong. Did you ask them for permission to build? How many 'Hindus' who worship Hanuman live in Vatican? Let's remember: We had gone through at different times very very violent communal riots. Only and I repeat ONLY anti-nationals, even if it is given a nice name like RSS, will start a religious war, even before our poor have been well fed. This action of RSS will not make us a great nation, but will take us down to compete with Pakistan for recognition in world forum.

The time has come for BJP to cut its umbilical chord with RSS. RSS might dream that by these kinds of actions it is uniting Hindus. If BJP supports this view, it will be sadly mistaken. These actions will only unite those belonging to all other religions and also a major portion of honest secular Hindus against BJP.


One of the main reasons for delayed justice is self imposed rules. As we all know, all over the world justice is dispensed on the basis of precedents which form the foundation for interpretation of any law enacted in the past. The precedents are set aside only after they become totally unrelated to present day and that too only by bold judges who dare to create new precedents. Just like law, the rules and precedents, even the way law is practised is based on precedents. This has resulted in a self-serving process: Today's practices are based on precedents before they themselves become a precedent! This has resulted in a situation where as long as you follow precedents you cannot be wrong irrespective of fairness, facts or anything! Judges have to have a long summer vacation running into months when all the courts remain mostly closed. Adjournments have to be given depending upon the seniority of the lawyers who might have been given dates from different courts and such adjournments have to be at least for more than a minimum number of days. Since most of the lawyers charge on the basis of appearance, with mutual connivance, the prosecution and defense keep on taking adjournments merrily pocketing fees and delaying justice. The judges are satisfied they have acted by precedent in giving adjournments and they cannot be blamed if the 'system' is defective! If you complain that this system is not fair,  you get a truckload of excuses why it is so. 
How can we remedy it? 1. Long pending big cases should be assigned to retired or retiring judges to take up on a daily basis and remain in service till they finish them. 2. Small cases should be taken up and decided without adjournment. 3. Witnesses will have to present themselves and absence without or with frivolous reasons should become punishable. 4. Lawyers should be present on the dates given to them and should be heavily fined and reprimanded if they do not. They should also be punished for contempt if they take adjournment for any future date for which they already have another case to appear. 5. Arguments should be presented in writing before hand and made available to interested parties and media. 6. A review committee comprising of eminent persons and retired lawyers and judges should review the performance of judges at least yearly and its findings given to appropriate authorities for further action.
Our constitution gives equal status for judiciary, parliament and government and has made them independent as far as possible. It does not mean one wing need not bother about the other two. It means they work in unison for the same purpose: To serve the people in their own sphere. Media should play its role in keeping the public well informed about what is going on. May be, with all these steps and others that may be suggested, things will improve in due course.


Day in and day out we hear and read about abolition of various restrictions imposed under the law in many countries and applauded all over the world. We have been seeing this development of giving more weight to freedom in all spheres of life since democracy was accepted all over the world. It started with freedom of speech, What we forget is human beings started their long journey in this world after being just  individuals, only by grouping themselves into small communities to begin with. These communities grew over centuries into bigger and bigger nations at various times, only to again get bifurcated into small countries with the advent of 'Freedom'. Freedom of the oppressed people. This was followed by freedom of media, religion, gender, voting rights and what not. So far these calls for freedom did not affect seriously communities because the basic unit of any nation, 'family consisting of husband, wife and children' has not broken down so far. Once this unit is broken, it will be everyone for himself/herself and damn with the children. Back to the basis. Welcome Freedom!


A very interesting analysis. I think the only difference now will be as the proverb goes: Once bitten twice shy. Once having had an AGP experience, people will not give AAP (Did you notice the similarity in the initials of the party!) 10 years. People are now politically well aware what is good for them. Finally all have realized that if they have to prosper it will be possible only if they help themselves and it will never be by freebies from government. The new cycle will run for about sixty years before technology takes over completely how a government is run. People will not matter anymore at that time.


Do you think that one who cannot even give his correct date of birth at the time of being appointed to a judicial post is fit to occupy that post at all? It is interesting that along with the culprit his brother and sister also changed their dates of birth! If this is not a fraud what is? I hope a police or CBI investigation is instituted and these guys are dismissed from service.


I am not surprised. The quality of most of our Members of Parliament leaves much to be desired. I think those lady members of Parliament belonging to all parties, who are opposed to Yadav's views, should not allow the proceedings of Rajya Sabha continue if he is present, until he apologizes or goes out of the chamber. This will teach a lesson to all members to be more respectful towards the lady members in future. This is not a party issue; it is an issue about the honour of Indian women. Yadav's party colleague K.C.Tyagi has made the comment worse by saying that he made it as a 'father figure'! Yadav's figure is more like a grandfather's but his heart is still as dirty as it was in his young days.  He has absolutely learned nothing all these years of politicking.


Day in and day out we read about the collaboration of associations of industry in subverting the process of legislation in all its aspects so as to benefit the interests of concerned industry at the cost of public interest. In many cases  such subversion has resulted in very long term and in some cases irreversible. Media, especially those not dependent upon industry handouts, do their duty, like TIME magazine, regularly publish articles which expose these associations. But I doubt there is any follow up action to rectify the past mistakes. Should not we all be ashamed? The media is taking us to drink, but we are not drinking. Whose fault it is? What do you propose to do about it?


Good he clarified that he was not Napoleon. I was seriously thinking with whom I should compare: Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Stalin, Ashoka the Great, Mahatma Gandhi? Talk of megalomania, this fellow has been bitten by that bug seriously!


"Why target Rahul? Why not question Arvind Kejriwal?" Maken is right. Rahul never contributed anything positive for the Congress in the last election. In fact Congress had written him off after the Parliamentary election. That is why people should not bother about him.


See how funny these Congi people argue? First they took out processions saying Rahul was being snooped. Then it came to light that it was a routine manner by which police collect ID statistics. Then they came down and claimed that Sonia, Rajiv and so many others had not signed any proforma in this connection. Then it was told that it was not necessary for them to sign because anyone who generally carries out their orders and is close to any leader can sign. Then they ask why the size of shoes was required? Venkhaia Naidu pointed out that it was only because Rajiv's shoe made the ID of his body possible. If Congi people continue to beat the dead horse, I suggest government releases all the data on present Congi leaders collected over the last several decades. May be that will convince them or they will move on to some other trivia.


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