A pair of very interesting articles about how a good method of earning money ends up in the hands of scamsters. While personal greed is the motive, it is well supported by the presumption that as long as something is legal, it is morally right.  This is the principle on the basis of which almost all American companies, from the largest corporations to mom and pop stores operate. Even the laws are designed in such a way to HELP scamsters. If Municipalities and Counties cannot afford a high priced lawyer to fight against another such lawyer engaged by the accused,  they simply  discuss and come to a settlement as to how much fine should be levied for exonerating all the accused, though the corporation they work for is convicted! This applies even to cases of murder. That is the reason why NO rich person is ever convicted, though cases against many are filed.  This is worse than the Shariat, Islamic laws of jurisprudence.


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