F*** is a man's word giving CONCRETE expression to his exact feeling immediately AFTER coming down to earth from the heaven where he thought he was all along! Women hardly use it. Repeated use of this word likely to make one impotent. Reason is simple: Will you eat a burger and enjoy it, if at all, if you get calling it often "shit"? What do you do when something you hate comes in your way? You kick it. Now do you wonder why there are more incidents of rape in the USA than anywhere else in the world people enjoy a good f***? Also the reason why there is so much frustration in the USA among men; because they are unable to perform effectively anymore after using the word f*** so freely!
WHAT SHOULD BJP DO FOR WINNING TAMIL NADU? BJP should just tell in detail about its plans for the nation & in particular for the State and need not at all get into fight with either AIADMK or DMK. It should not even bother to respond to any frivolous accusations from them, especially from DMK, because it is no more a viable party even with its associates, Congress and communists. Tamils know everything about Amma Jayalalitha whereas they don't know much about BJP even today, because most of them don't know Hindi and many not even English. A vigorous campaign highlighting plans for progress will get them enough votes to be the main opposition this time around and when the plans are complete, may be it will become the ruling party in the election after the forthcoming one. If possible it should avoid AIADMK as even the major partner, because irrespective of its progressive policies which have borne fruits to Tamil Nadu, AIADMK's first name is Entrenched Corruption...
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