Terrorists R like a deadly germ. If U ignore it & don't kill it when U find it, it spreads, obstructs your way of life by spreading disease, takes over your body, fights with U & ultimately kills U &/R is killed. They don't care 2 negotiate with U. As U will use medicines 2 kill germs, kill terrorists when U find them. Germs don't have a right 2 live in your body, harming U. How many domesticated poisonous snakes have U come across? Learn 2 recognize a snake when U see 1. Just like a snake, terrorists don't have any claim 2 any rights that apply 2 U.
Car owners contribute substantial tax revenue. With the advent of electric cars will it run out? Time 2 fix cars with sensors 2 calculate mileage thru satellites & tax on miles driven. Help old car users from being robbed by having 2 pay more tax on gas 4 driving less mileage!
Politics Cover @PoliticsCover
Why I Think That Mamta Wants To Merge West Bengal With Bangladesh By Increasing Islam Influence.
Why I Think That Mamta Wants To Merge West Bengal With Bangladesh By Increasing Islam Influence.
She is provoking Hindus to give an excuse for Bangladeshi Muslims to enter WB and make it a ground for future Kashmir like battles!
I appeal to people to give a book instead of bouquet as a greeting. Such a move can make a big difference: PM @narendramodi
I think there cannot be a better idea!
Just like in politics, too much of money & fame makes sportsmen forget own roots, greatly affecting performance. Always good till spoiled!
Shadow secularism to the hilt- main person kills and shadow provides succour: what a degradation in politics of/by/for appeasement https://twitter.com/iarunmani/status/876328444350443520 …

CBI shud investigate who is controlling Mamta. I don't think she is doing on her own what all is being done in her name.
Most of our cricket luminaries will return to India only after a long European holiday!
Worth investigation if our cricketers were under any threat by terrorists and betting agencies. I can't see any other reason 4 mass suicide!
And he is correct: BJP's Presidential Candidate Once Said 'Islam And Christianity Are Alien To The Nation' http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2017/06/19/bjps-presidential-candidate-once-said-islam-and-christianity-a/ …
U can never fill a hole, by digging deeper into it, 2 find out why it was first dug at all! If U don't want to stumble again, fill it first!
But all these idiots were too busy with Gurmehar... Hahahaa... Dumbkopff gang... https://twitter.com/mswami/status/876753443917922304 …

One can find fault with even roses; it has thorns! They are known as professional expert nitpickers! When they are in, you know U R right!
USSTOCKJOURNAL says replay of MU's next Conference Call will b available "One Year after the call." Quite fast! https://goo.gl/vveEM2
Don't think opposition leaders R unequal 2 Modiji in playing politics.The only problem is minds worrying abt jail terms can't think clearly!
The problem with 'clever' comments is, only foolish people clap 4 it! My first-hand experience! Wait 4 10 minutes, read thrice B4 tweeting!
I read all responses to your tweet. If I were you, I would have pulled out my tongue and committed harakiri in shame!
No senior Central minister shud respond 2 Uddhav Thackeray's antics but he shud b left 2 stew in his own juice. Leave a barking dog alone!
Objections raised by opposition leaders proves a point: Just to find fault in anything they can talk nonsense and say it is politics!
He is one of the crores, who had given up cricket for good, betrayed by those awaras whom they mistook to be Gods!
These idiots ID every shadow as Ghost. They cannot see anything in its right perspective because they are Indian presstitutes!
149 new post office Passport Seva Kendra
@narendramodi @PMOIndia
@CRPaatil @sanghaviharsh @rcpatelmla
@RohiniShah1 @PKolasani @BJP4India pic.twitter.com/sy4NAXvpWQ

Is GOI planning to export Indians wholesale?
Sanjay Jha
In a world of I-Me-Myself OB Van leaders, the down-to-earth, modest, caring andcompassionate @OfficeOfRG . #HappyBirthdayRG; keep smiling!
सर जी इतना भी मत चाटो की..
उसके धोने की आदत ही छूट जाए!! https://twitter.com/JhaSanjay/status/876692957524447232 …
Yaar! Itna bhi nahin maro! Mujhe to samajhne mein hi wakt lag gaya!
.@HuffPostIndia This is what Presidential Candidate #RamNathKovind ACTUALLY said. Will you retract your FAKE NEWS & issue apology now?? pic.twitter.com/NxPCsHIJUa
Can't blame you for being so innocent! Do you think it was a typo? These vilayati kutte ke aulad will sell their mothers for filthy lucre!
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