@narendramodi From TIME Magazine: "167. The number of consecutive cars at an Indiana McDonald's whose drivers paid for the meal of the people in the car behind them, after a woman saw a dad with his children in the van behind her and paid the cashier on his behalf; the father followed suit, and the pay-it-forward-chain continued on for hours." - This is MY USA. I want MY INDIA to become likeTHIS one day before I die.
As a dyed in wool Democrat I used to denigrate and laugh at GOP Presidents Nixon, Bush, etc.
As a dyed in wool Democrat I used to denigrate and laugh at GOP Presidents Nixon, Bush, etc.
Now, I cannot do it anymore. Single handed Pres. Trump has shut the likes of me by making all
those seem to look geniuses and great Presidents! Pray Trump stands for re-election!
Congress President boycotts! Ex-Congress FM who laid the foundation welcomes! How Sonia & other Congresis should be burning in her hearts!
Mr Manmohan Singh Ji don't u have individuality, Country first sir not party v may have different ideologies finally country should develop.
MMS from day one under PVN Rao's Ministry was a Kathputli of anyone who was his boss! A unique creation: Man with Great Brain & no backbone! He is so mild, he told one who asked him to brush away an ant which was biting him on his face "Don't bother! It's all right with me." MMS is the Karna of Kalyug, staunch follower of Surpanaka and Shakuni Pappu!
No !! A Permanent GST number / Proper time to test software/ Trial run of Systems/ should have been done before such massive Transformation https://twitter.com/harigoyalcanada/status/880864079174402048 …
Maybe you should rename yourself Loose_Bowel! Sorry about it! But can you have a trial run of any such massive software involving millions?
Maybe you should rename yourself Loose_Bowel! Sorry about it! But can you have a trial run of any such massive software involving millions?
Glad to inform about an important step by MoD to end the dark era of filing appeals against own disabled soldiers:
http://www.indianmilitary.info/2017/06/a-reluctant-step-but-important-and.html …
At this rate we see a rain of significant decisions benefiting people, will there be any opposition party at all after the next election?
At this rate we see a rain of significant decisions benefiting people, will there be any opposition party at all after the next election?
Poor Finance Ministers of Kerala& WB. They were working hard with Centre to implement GST from July 1.Due to party decisions they can't come
Not only they. Many other well deserving people could not because of Mummy/Pappu feeling unjustly let down by people by not opposing GST!
She knows President is only a glorified rubber stamp & not a sword in a sheath. After her defeat, she will b searching 4 chullu bhar pani!
She knows President is only a glorified rubber stamp & not a sword in a sheath. After her defeat, she will b searching 4 chullu bhar pani!
Here's the real reason why the Opposition boycotted the big #GST launch
http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/gst-oppositions-boycott-call-aimed-at-future-political-positioning-ahead-of-upcoming-state-lok-sabha-polls/articleshow/59393815.cms …
#India #GSTrollout #GSTForNewIndia #Politics
Chaubeji ji Chabbeji banne nikale aur Dubbeji banke laut aaye. But how do you say that abt Sonia Gandhi after GST inauguration? The Nation and the whole world now knows on whose side Indians are. The bell tolled for Congress at midnight on June 30th. Quit Sonia!
Chaubeji ji Chabbeji banne nikale aur Dubbeji banke laut aaye. But how do you say that abt Sonia Gandhi after GST inauguration? The Nation and the whole world now knows on whose side Indians are. The bell tolled for Congress at midnight on June 30th. Quit Sonia!
Overspeeding cases on rise, e-way operator under lens http://toi.in/555bea
Just an announcement that speeding cars will be impounded and kept in open area unattended for 3 months will immediately put an end to this.
Just an announcement that speeding cars will be impounded and kept in open area unattended for 3 months will immediately put an end to this.
Congress has missed the bus forever by its most anti national act of boycotting when history is being made tonight #GSTForNewIndia
Want an example of one cutting own legs? Look at Sonia Gandhi vis-a-vis GST! In future neither she will propose any Gath-Bandhan nor will any join her Gath-Bandhan! Something good always comes out of even the worst!
Want an example of one cutting own legs? Look at Sonia Gandhi vis-a-vis GST! In future neither she will propose any Gath-Bandhan nor will any join her Gath-Bandhan! Something good always comes out of even the worst!
Watch LIVE: Special Function in Central Hall of the Parliament on #GSTRollout
#GSTForNewIndia. Please watch the video: https://www.pscp.tv/w/bCUxZjFxTGpHSk5XUk1yS0p8MXpxS1ZBUG12WHd4QsxSgV_CNEsvdfC7J0CvVs5MjT-zCeiNGd2aowE470ME …
I thought the President was recalling his childhood when he was playing "railgadi, chuk, chuk, chuk, chuk!"
Don't know whether it'll be good or bad, easier or more difficult, helpful or a hindrance; but celebrating a tax? Only in India! 

During Congress regime "Tax' invoked imagery of exorbitance, exemption, avoidance, corruption. Now easy compliance, development & equality.
During Congress regime "Tax' invoked imagery of exorbitance, exemption, avoidance, corruption. Now easy compliance, development & equality.
SP workers stop a train in Allahabad to protest against GST and demand its rollback.
Watch more videos at http://bit.ly/it_videos pic.twitter.com/6BilEe3Dk6
Abt 10 miscreants stop a train for a few minutes and it is news video for India Today! Have you any doubts about paid/paying media?
Abt 10 miscreants stop a train for a few minutes and it is news video for India Today! Have you any doubts about paid/paying media?
Birds of the same feather flock together: Congress, TMC, DMK, Trinamool & Communist parties boycotted GST inauguration! What a corrupt gang!
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