Kohli's statement on Kumble episode: Sow choohe khake Haj karne nikali billi.
The best way to compel Muslims to give up wrong practices is to legislate specifically that the Rule of Law will be supreme over everything, including religion & those who don't agree will be treated as non-citizens and lose all rights thereof. U can't have the cake & eat it too!

Wow! You woke me up very rudely indeed! Thanks a lot! Good Morning!
I have to commend you on your passioned words here and on #bbcqt. It's just a shame that most MPs were nowhere to be seen. Still on jollies? https://twitter.com/JonAshworth/status/877913724711043072 …
All over the world, lawmakers care tuppence about citizens' needs unless it helps them in one way or the other immediately or for votes.
Kovind will be going up against Congress nominee Meira Kumar, making the July 17 vote a Dalit vs Dalit battle.
http://www.news18.com/news/politics/ram-nath-kovind-gets-z-security-cover-to-file-nomination-in-modis-presence-today-1441087.html …
U will see media vociferously campaigning 4 Meira w/out any chance 2 win, 2 uphold Freedom of Speech as tho it's better than speaking truth!
U will see media vociferously campaigning 4 Meira w/out any chance 2 win, 2 uphold Freedom of Speech as tho it's better than speaking truth!
@Grammarly Pl don't try to correct me when I use '2' to say 'to' in my tweets! Or in this tweet 'don't' as 'doesn't'!
#Bollywood इन सितारों ने बेटियां पढ़ाईं, बेटिया बढ़ाईं लेकिन फिल्मों में एंट्री नहीं कराई
http://hindi.news18.com/photogallery/entertainment/bollywood-stars-who-did-not-allow-their-daughters-in-movies-1024474-7.html …
U would not expect Drain Inspectors to recommend their jobs to their sons! How can these 'Stars' of the Bollywood Drain do it? Who cares!
U would not expect Drain Inspectors to recommend their jobs to their sons! How can these 'Stars' of the Bollywood Drain do it? Who cares!
.@incindia जो नही जानते हैं : मीरा कुमार की 2 शादी हुई थी पहला पति ब्राह्मण था और वर्तमान पति भूमिहार है, और भूमिहार, दलित में नही सवर्ण में आता है. जब मीरा कुमार ने एक कुशवाहा से विवाह किया है तो वो अब दलित कैसे रह गयीं? https://twitter.com/DrGPradhan/status/877976296151687168 …
You do have a knack for telling unpalatable (to the victims) truth and exposing pretenders! Thanks a lot!
Don't we know about it! That is why we appointed a Court Jester as our President!
My relatives and friends think I m leading a very miserable life. My family is not even allowing me to access Fb and WhatsApp 

Looks you have very caring parents and friends! Wish everyone could! Thank them for allowing you access to Twitter!
'Great Wall of Yoga' -2
Yogis from India & China meditate a joint symphony of holistic health & wellbeing on #IDY2017 #YogaDay in Beijing. pic.twitter.com/vQmSuvX9Z6

Wow! Chinese have their own Yogasan like practice. Have seen very elderly Chinese practicing in public parks. Very slow & simple even 4 80+!
If it gives good reason for a break away from Lalu,a blessing in disguise for Nitish to save his image.
Nitish can depend upon BJP's support though it is an opposition party, to ensure that his govt survives!
नौहट्टा में मस्जिद के बाहर डेप्युटी एसपी अयूब पंडित की भीड़ ने पीटकर हत्या कर दीः J&K पुलिस
My condolences to the bereaved family! Will be interesting to know how the martyr came to be named Ayyub Pandit! Such intolerance! Chi, chi!
Sanjukta Basu @sanjukta
I hope Sanghis do so much Yoga & their body become so flexible, they give themselves a blow job. It'd keep them busy, so no lynching/riots.
You can become the best instructor to Kashmiris, Pakistanis, ISIS, infact to all Muslims. https://twitter.com/sanjukta/status/877556654476152833 …
@sanjukta U 'seem' 2B well educated! Y R U intent upon spoiling your image by confessing 2 what else R U good @! Go to Pak & get a Doctorate!
This is AIB
They say, dress like a cow to avoid Rape
Why cow? Because all Rapists are Hindus!
Criminals have religion now! pic.twitter.com/fuKMwQ9vnp

You forget those vile criminals love beef! Think of something else!
Congress divisive plans n culture exposed once again... Not really pro dalit but only to score political points 
for 70 yrs cheated Dalits https://twitter.com/HuffPostIndia/status/878092775891378176 …

Congress has always loved Dalits & farmers. They come handy when Congress needs their support and votes & creates divisions among people!
Congress has always loved Dalits & farmers. They come handy when Congress needs their support and votes & creates divisions among people!
grade inflation is done with sole objective of keeping one particular caste away from securing most seats under general category. https://twitter.com/learning_pt/status/877831879000342529 …
U can't suppress the glow from fire! I belong 2 that 'oppressed' group! Can manage well under any circumstance. In fact, it makes us better!
Trump: ‘I Just Don’t Want a Poor Person’ as Economic Adviser http://nyti.ms/2t1JRAP
Why is this person intent upon proving all of us wrong who voted for him that he has at least some sense of what is good or bad?
Pls join me in showering Choicest Blessings on @kvQuote on his Big Day. May yr sense of Humor continue to grow. Wishing U a HEALTHY Birthday pic.twitter.com/G550AjMwxc
Happy Birthday @kvQuote! May God keep you alert and let us be entertained by your wit!
PhD in Sarcasm @I_Atheist_

Very well said!
Meira Kumar occupied two bungalows "illegally" in Lutyens. Got govt to waive off 2cr rent. Just the kind of candidate UPA could propose!
One was her officially allotted residence & the other was the mausoleum of her father, as though people were thronging 2 visit it every day!
Those who defecate now in open should know they will be live on TV camera now which will capture EVERYTHING, their face, .... & shit!
Modi Government has run out of ideas to run this nation. As if anti-#FreeSpeech Indian laws were not enough, it'll now police social media. https://twitter.com/ETtech/status/878094027177984000 …
Many people consider U level headed. Don't disappoint them by bursting out in frustration. U have 1 problem. Govt has 1000s. Bear with it.
Sir @MVenkaiahNaidu you should learn from Karnataka speaker how to deal with presstitutes rather thN shying away fearing bad mouthing.. https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/877798431825158145 …
We can learn from Congress Government also! You are right. It is a good move. Nothing teaches better than a lathi and fine.
Bhabhi Ghar Par Hai? is a witty ZeeTV serial. But when something wrong is shown daily it stops being wrong & bcoms normal behavior. STOP IT.
लालू यादव के घोटालों और उनके परिवार की अवैध संपत्ति पर @ArvindKejriwal या किसी भी आधिकारिक प्रवक्ता का कोई बयान????
Every politician any journo is aware of knows that if he comes out 4 Lalu, he'll also be exposed! Birds of the same feather, flock together!
“I will separate Tamil Nadu from India”; Says anti-nuke activist Udayakumar http://postcard.news/will-separate-tamil-nadu-india-says-anti-nuke-activist-udayakumar/ … via @postcard_news
No journalist nor govt cares 2 investigate & publish the whole background of these scum. That'll be the end of them. Nip them in bud.
Meira Kumar is so responsible that she forgot to pay 1.98 cr rent of bungalow occupied by her since 1986 after demise of her father. pic.twitter.com/JQIyAGqs2s
Did she finally pay the fine or still dilly-dallying? I bet she has not. Any takers?
5. Those who stand for the Indian flag are orphans in Kashmir. Those who throw slippers at it are provided security and nourishment
If these separatist leaders are left alone without security & TV camera, they will be forgotten within a month!
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