Donald Trump that we knew of all these years is a gambler. High stake gambler and a showman. His casinos brought him more money than real estate business. Both businesses required public exposure and an aura of extreme self confidence. The TV shows were great success and provided him with both. But how come he is not in the first 50 or even the 100, but just 121 with 4.5 B. though he claims to have more than 10 B. Because he is basically still only a real gambler and only a TV billionaire. He is already 69 and is in the process of losing his last gamble.

Why this man should contest U.S. Presidential election? A man who shamelessly boasts of having paid from Clinton downward to every politician? Who probably has never heard of diplomatic ways of talking and thinks the world is his, like it was in Apprentice? A man who bets with a TV anchor just because he returned his donation check and showed he was not for sale? A man with these credentials surely will not think of even a municipal election for dog catcher?

I think I know the real reason why he is contesting this election. His real estate business is in shambles. No question of anyone calling this old man to anchor any more shows. Even Forbes values his worth less than $5 B. But as every losing gambler, this fellow wants to flame out instantly. Not burn out slowly. He thinks for certain he is going to win his last gamble. Proof? If he can come this far, the victory can surely not be farther?

He is spending his own money for the campaign. Why? With the arrogant behavior of his, do you think any self respecting wealthy will associate with this loudmouth and demean himself? That is the reason GOP disowned him from day one of the campaign. With opting to spend his own money for the campaign, he has also ruled out donations from his 'supporters', because his 'supporters' are also of the same nature like him. Loudmouths and gamblers. They may hail him as their own brother. But would not bet on him, because they are better gamblers! He knows this too.

Donald Trump is betting his last dollar on this election. He thinks he can force the hand of GOP by winning the primaries. You will also notice that not all the other candidates are pouncing upon him on stage or even otherwise. Probably because he is dangling the carrot of Vice Presidency before each one of them! He is taking their help to split the votes. Just like Tea Party did in previous elections. Tea Party could only hurt GOP so far. This fool thinks he can finally hurt the USA! Once the nomination is in his hand, then he will approach the wealthy with Ambassadorships and varous lucrative offices to their favorite nominees.

Fooling the nation has never been a difficult job for our politicians. Trump is well aware of this. An unknown Governor was catapulted to the Presidency and that too twice, by money bags, only a couple of decades ago. What sort of a character he had? It is by God's grace that his wife did not succeed him, not because they did not try their best along with their banker and billionaire friends. Except the current President, how long before we had a President whom we can call was really great? That is the assessment of this jack of all trade trying to get GOP nomination. The crooked wealthy are waiting on the wings to open their purse, once he gets the nomination; the hungry dogs are smelling blood, after eight long years!

Let's not give in to this conspiracy of the new century hatched by corrupt politicians, gamblers and stinking wealthy. You may even hear about Hillary accepting many of the proposals of Bernie and even offer to make him her VP just to 'avoid party split', and 'not because she has any doubt that she will be the ultimate nominee.'

In the next 8/9 months you will hear many respected elders deserting Bernie for one reason or the other, because everyone has a price and as we all know U.S. money bags are the wealthiest. Many campaigners of Bernie may desert him, for some other work that has cropped up. Many 'leading' senators from both party, who have pledged their souls to Satan, may turn against him, many anchors may be led to think that people support the braggart in both parties and go against Bernie. But Bernie will plow on and win, because he depends ONLY on the hard working, God fearing Americans who still love their nation more than their money!

Listen and read whatever comes across. But use your brains. Don't go by what anyone says. Empty your mind of propaganda and doctored 'facts'. Listen to God's voice echoing in there. God bless you!   


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