is not a battle plan, but call to senses!
only possible way to defeat Congress!
Pappu & Congress
opposing everything BJP does should not be be taken lightly. Going forward
think how Pappu & congressi should be feeling. To put it mildly: munh
dikhane layak nahin honge. People will be laughting at them openly. Even the
presstitutes would have deserted them, because Congress' opposing anything will
no more get them TRPs. Those who were their chamchas and other small party
leaders would be citing incidents how they were let down by Congress to get
sympathy votes. Most of Congress leaders would be fighting cases in courts or
in jail for black money recoveries or silently retired
The above scenario could
have been unbelievable just two years back. But this does not look impossible
now. As days pass, more plans are implemented people get more and more
confident. A confident nation, led by a trustworthy leader, supported by a team
devoted to their assignments and not indulging in internal squabbles, can
perform miracles.
In our euphoria let us not
forget a few things. For each of us who are on the way up, there will at least
be one who is going down - those whose livelihood is based only on exploiting
others. The dalals of all hues and colors. Those leeches in our villages who
for generations have been lenders by caste and profession and whose rich life
was supported totally by our poor farmers, and finally those government
servants at all levels who make more money through corrupt practices than by
way of salary. Let's also not forget those 'intellectuals', presstitutes,
lawyers-cum-fixers and judges whose living standard will be seriously affected.
They will try their best to subvert each and every plan of the government from
succeeding. By denouncing them, by denigrating them and worst of all, by trying
to shake the confidence of people by hook or crook.
The initial attempts of
these people has not been bad. Parliament is not functioning and important
bills are held up. Presstitutes are at their best. They have even been able to
snatch two governments - Delhi and Bihar in elections. But still they can see
they are slipping badly. 2016 will be their Waterloo. It will be a do or die
issue for all of them with more important elections slated to test their
What can they do now?
Their only two weapons which can inflict some injury, though not fatal, are
misinformation and communal strife. Fortunately we woke up in time to set the
first one in the right place. Social media has replaced print and visual media
to a large extent in our fight. But we have not been able to put a stop to
communal strife. It is like a gorilla attack. Strong steps to eradicate them
can create antagonism towards government because of the public inconvenience
and panic that they can create. However much we may be careful, it should not
be forgotten that a small incident can be blown up beyond imagination by self
bombing in a crowd.
Eternal vigilance is the
price for freedom. And progress. Let's keep our rejoicings well controlled.
While it does help in getting the opposition discouraged, it should not create a situation
leading to 'marta kya na karta'! We should not respond to provocations in the
same manner. Remember how asuras tried always to disturb the poojas of our
saints? Had Rishis wasted their energy in cursing the asuras, it would have had
the exact result the Asuras wanted. But by restraining themselves, they got
helped by Bhagwan to reach their goals.
That is what Hinduism is.
It is NOT a religion. It is a way of life. A way of overcoming difficulties. Not
as much by confrontation, as by making the attack ineffective by elevating
ourselves well above the level of our opponents. And finally believing in SATYA
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