In Tamil Nadu there are no upressed uneducated poor dalits. Most of them are in the cabinet for generations!
Much worse has been publicly stated and written by C N Annadurai in his speeches and books before DMK party. Its theory of Aryans and Dravidians and hegemony of Brahmins was accepted 100% by backward Tamils. That is the reason why you do not find Mayawati's BSP anywhere in South India. Brahmins could not effectively refute allegations of vulgar behaviour of heroes of Hindu mythology. DK leader Periyar even took out processions of Hindu gods with garlands of chappals around their neck! We had full freedom of speech without much violence those good old days in Tamil Nadu in spite of this and such freedom of speech resulted in one party rule for decades and economic recovery of poor. Though the brute majority had its side effect of intolerable corruption, in Tamil Nadu there are no upressed uneducated poor dalits. Most of them are in the cabinet for generations!
Much worse has been publicly stated and written by C N Annadurai in his speeches and books before DMK party. Its theory of Aryans and Dravidians and hegemony of Brahmins was accepted 100% by backward Tamils. That is the reason why you do not find Mayawati's BSP anywhere in South India. Brahmins could not effectively refute allegations of vulgar behaviour of heroes of Hindu mythology. DK leader Periyar even took out processions of Hindu gods with garlands of chappals around their neck! We had full freedom of speech without much violence those good old days in Tamil Nadu in spite of this and such freedom of speech resulted in one party rule for decades and economic recovery of poor. Though the brute majority had its side effect of intolerable corruption, in Tamil Nadu there are no upressed uneducated poor dalits. Most of them are in the cabinet for generations!
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