What a diabolical headline! "India will soon have its version of US' 911" This is the headline ONLY IN TWITTER. under the byline The Hindu, popular newspaper down South. In US when you say 9/11 everyone is ONLY reminded of the dastardly terrorist attack on Sept.11, 2001 on the twin towers when 2763 people were killed. And The Hindu predicts "INDIA WILL SOON HAVE ITS VERSION OF US' 911". But only in twitter so as to create panic. Not in its print edition, which only says simply: "Emergency? Dial '112'. 911 BEING US EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER IS NOT EVEN MENTIONED AS AN ASIDE IN PRINT EDITION! Why this mischievous prediction ONLY IN TWITTER to attract one and all to create panic. Why don't you believe all our presstitutes have a common source which wants to create confusion and chaos in India?  This is the reason all of them jump on any trivial issue TOGETHER DAY AFTER DAY till they find or able to create another issue? This cannot be done by any one of them. It needs a central agency to coordinate a series of steps and a great lot of money and connections in all high places all over India.  When you read anything in twitter or in these rags calling themselves 'National Dailies' or 'Most viewed TV Channel' take a pinch of salt. Don't even respond adversely. Every adverse comment is considered by these agencies as another 'hit'. If at all ridicule them, make a laughing stock of them.


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