
Showing posts from September, 2016
The strategy Donald keeps to himself, doesn't tell his wives! He is not a businessman, he is not honest, he does not have any character. He seems to be rolling in money. Media loves him and gives him money for his time while charging a fat fee from others wanting their face in media. Who is he? Only two classes of people fit like a rubber glove the above description. Cinema actors and Politicians. In fact Donald is better. He has been a businessman turned actor turned politicians. Three in one. Now that I have introduced him to you, here is his strategy to become our President. Mark my words. He will. By hooking and crooking which comes natrural to him. You know all this. Nothing is new. When you read an advertisement for months on end, which says a magician will turn himself into someone famous right in the full glare of millions on TV, people first laugh it off, then some people say, "Who knows, I have seen a lot more impossible things!"and there is big crowd...
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST (Also known as Rat Race!) Nicholas Eberstadt in his article in Time (Oct. 3) ( brings out a very serious social problem now being faced by the USA, which will be faced in days to come by every developed or developing country by turn. No country will be left alone! This phenomenon is a classic example of something being good now and turning out to be bad in the long run! As education levels increased so went up automation in workplace bringing down cost of production and price of products to give great relief to poor and improving economies manifold all over the world. More and more discoveries and inventions changed the world unrecognizably within a century! But the eternal rule of survival of the fittest (which implies a constant fight between the able and weak for survival and which in other words means, fruits of life) has sneaked in to spoil the show. Human beings survived and took leadership of all living bei...
NO VOTER CASTS HIS VOTE FOR THE WELFARE OF OTHERS AT HIS COST. Joe Klein in Oct. 3 issue of Time, raises a problem being faced by middle class with a salary range of $25,000 to $30,000. An insurance agent agrees with him that middle class is paying $740 a month health insurance with $6500 deductible! Ten years ago it was $282 with $1500 deductible for same coverage. Millennial, the most enthusiastic voters for Democrats, are mostly students away from home where they are registered as voters or do not exercise postal ballot very much. They are just good campaigners. Higher Middle class and higher class are more concerned with college tuition, income tax, etc.     The middle class as a whole, however, without any distinction of race or color, is uniformly affected by the above situation. They are also the most silent majority who make or break a President. Their total focus will be only on increase in minimum wages and health insurance. If the economy improves...
Trump knew he was not good for any political office; but he was certain that he can put one over every American and come out a winner! I had mentioned in one of my earlier tweets when Donald seemed to be winning the primaries that Donald is contesting NOT to become President, but just as another of his ventures where his only object was to make money. First he will submit many times inflated bills to Republican National Committee for payment and collect it; if not, write them off and claim tax deduction. In both ways he will stand to make millions. Next five years he will spend as “the Presidential candidate who lost” hogging press time and writing books and giving lectures and endorsements and collect more money! He has made a good start by NOT spending much on TV time, but getting more time by his uncouth behavior lapped up by TV free of cost! That is business getting something worth for next to nothing! 
Suggestion for improving subscribers: How many letters received thru mail? A lot. But you do throw away many more without even opening them when you see who was the sender! You start really wondering how so many got your mailing address! Same is the case for emails also; only still more in number. The mailers search out your email address and keep on sending their stuff till you consign their mail to spam and delete. It is not much different for twitter. You like a tweet and in a expansive mood you click “follow”. That is it. Not only that twitter, but all whom he retweets end up on your site! I have hardly 139 followers and another 87 whom I follow. But receive more than 2500 tweets on an average. I don’t like deleting anyone’s name. Don’t want to hurt them. I will feel hurt if I have to delete any one of my 139 followers, whom I am not following. So would they probably feeling! I have a solution to this problem which will help me and a number of frustrated twitt...
If you need a parade of a horse and an elephant to identify them, you deserve a donkey as prize. How many of our Presidents were toppers in their college debating societies? I have not even heard anyone in the past ever having been a great debater. Those guys generally prefer a law course and become great lawyers and judges. Not Presidents. Presidents are expected to take DECISIONS, just like judges do after listening to lawyers from both sides. Lawyers look for points favoring his client. A judge has to decide which point, if upheld, will be in public good and conform more to law as already laid down. Presidents do not keep their fingers 24 hrs a day on the trigger to a nuclear bomb. Probably it does not even happen once in the whole term of man Presidents. To dramatize debates anchors focus more on who can press the button faster and gullible people make their pick on that basis! What a way to decide an issue which is likely to affect the nation for at least four years,...
Trump’s list of his voters will be preserved very securely for similar treatment meted out to Black Shirts! List of Voters for Trump will look exactly like THE LIST OF JEWS Hitler had in his hand Hitler thought those in his list vermins; Trump tells us that they in his list, who support & will vote for him, are not vermins, but saviours of the elite whites of the USA! Those in Hitler's list and all those around the world cried out that they were good and not vermin. But Hitler killed one and all of these millions without any mercy whatsoever.  It was not long, just a couple of years, before the world realized the folly of Hitler. But it was too late. That part of the world where Hitler ruled, was in TOTAL ruins. It took decades before it could be worthy of being counted among nations, albeit a smaller one, not the earlier 'Reich', which it still pretends to be. Coming back to the list of those who voted for Trump. If you had seen Trump's own vid...
CHINA’S ROLE IN LOOMING INDO PAK WAR – A BLESSING IN DISGUISE? Why Pak attacked? It had to stop Modi Govt right where it is now. It could not afford to allow Modi to execute his plans for progess and development of India any more as Modi Govt was on path to give stable government for the next decade at the least. Was fast solving economic problems. Compare it with the miserable standard of living, governance, etc. of Pakistan. Utterly shameful. Solution is Uri! To stop India on its track to progress. Aim: If you cannot reach the level of your enemy, bring him down to your level! That simple. Pakistan cannot also wait any longer. Winter is fast approaching to give rest to terrorists from crossing snow clad mountains. It had to act also before Modi govt entrenches itself by winning U.P. and other elections due in the next few months. Above all China is pushing Pakistan from behind to put a stop to India’s getting to a level almost equal to it in world forums and being supported by ...
Don't Let Media Pick Your Pocket:  Your vote depends on your conclusions, 10% based on what you discern from personal experience and 90% from media. When whole media has become totally partisan, why do you base your conclusions on what media, which is managed by paid journalists, wants you to believe to be true? It is not even their own true conclusions; they make conclusions first based on payment and then modify the truth to suit their conclusions, before they are published! Please do not base your conclusions on what media says, when you are not even paid for that! Remember it is your vote and your future!   
PM not exposing UPA’s destruction of economic destruction after taking over govt was not a mistake. 1     It would have been seen surely as vendetta as he had nothing to show then that he could do better except in his election speeches. 2     People all over India were not fully aware of the miracle he had performed in Gujarat. 3      He needed at least a couple of years to plan to at least partially execute them so as to show people what is good and corruption free government is. Words are free. Action is valuable. 4     As he expected he was laughed at in the first two years as heading a ‘jumla’ party and government,  till plans started bearing fruits . Nobody uses those words now but are eating their words. 5     P eople have seen for themselves how he handled the administration during failure of monsoon consecutively for two years, how he got GST bill passed, how brought name and fame for India in inter...