Joe Klein in Oct. 3 issue of Time, raises a problem being faced by middle class with a salary range of $25,000 to $30,000. An insurance agent agrees with him that middle class is paying $740 a month health insurance with $6500 deductible! Ten years ago it was $282 with $1500 deductible for same coverage.

Millennial, the most enthusiastic voters for Democrats, are mostly students away from home where they are registered as voters or do not exercise postal ballot very much. They are just good campaigners. Higher Middle class and higher class are more concerned with college tuition, income tax, etc.    

The middle class as a whole, however, without any distinction of race or color, is uniformly affected by the above situation. They are also the most silent majority who make or break a President. Their total focus will be only on increase in minimum wages and health insurance. If the economy improves they will anyway get increased wages and if it does not, there is no way they will get it.

Hillary will be well advised to pay particular attention to this aspect of Obamacare. Surely the freeloaders and poor have benefited by it. They will vote for Democrats anyway. There is no love lost between them and Republicans. While it is the duty of the government to look after them also, NO VOTER CASTS HIS VOTE FOR THE WELFARE OF OTHERS AT HIS COST. Issues of national interest and other causes dear to their heart are ONLY talking points and issues for debates. If you want votes take care of middle class. MIDDLE CLASS, CONSTITUTING THE MAJORITY, IS THE MASTER OF ALL IT SURVEYS ON THE DAY OF ELECTION. It is also which is dealt a poor hand at every election by both parties. They are shown a colorful future in brilliant colors and once the votes are cast, lights are switched off, till the next election!

If Democrats are serious about winning the election, they should give concrete assurance to middle class about the problem Mr. Klein has pointed out. You can bet Trump will raise this issue in the next debate very seriously and even if it is corrected immediately by Democrats, Trump will claim and get credit for it and win the election! 


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