Trump’s list of his voters will be preserved very securely for similar treatment meted out to Black Shirts!

List of Voters for Trump will look exactly like THE LIST OF JEWS Hitler had in his hand Hitler thought those in his list vermins; Trump tells us that they in his list, who support & will vote for him, are not vermins, but saviours of the elite whites of the USA!

Those in Hitler's list and all those around the world cried out that they were good and not vermin. But Hitler killed one and all of these millions without any mercy whatsoever. 

It was not long, just a couple of years, before the world realized the folly of Hitler. But it was too late. That part of the world where Hitler ruled, was in TOTAL ruins. It took decades before it could be worthy of being counted among nations, albeit a smaller one, not the earlier 'Reich', which it still pretends to be.

Coming back to the list of those who voted for Trump. If you had seen Trump's own video version of the story of old lady and the baby snake (detailed below), you can see what represented the snake. The video clearly showed them to be the Muslim refugees running away from own nations seeking refuge in other well to do countries. Trump implies that these refugees in due course of time will grow up to be serious trouble makers, criminals whose nature will be killing for no reason! Just like it was for the baby snake saved by the old woman.

What does Trump suggest? He says if the lady had left alone the baby snake to its fate, instead of showing a little mercy, giving some comfort and saving it, she would not have died. He wants you to think of ALL immigrants or refugees who are seeking to be admitted in our nation, as those baby snakes ready to kill the hand that fed! He is saying all this because he does not want you to vote for Democrats, especially Hillary, who seem to be favorably inclined to help those refugees wanting to come in. More simply put this is one of the reasons for which he wants you to vote for him.

Many will find his analogy sane and the old woman wrong; Will vote for him and he might win. You and all those in the list of voters who voted for him would be jumping from roof tops after your victory. You have a right to celebrate for being one among the majority. Just like those who voted for Trump and the Third Reich. They also had a good time before Hitler went beyond his borders and wanted to rule the world. 

What happened two years after THAT triumph? The oppressed united and gave him a fight much beyond Hitler's imagination. Not only Hitler, EVERYONE who was associated with him in his criminal inhuman activity, wherever he was hiding in whatever name in this vast world, was searched, found, jailed, prosecuted and hanged! The search has not STOPPED, even after more than 7 decades and is still continuing! The list of those Hitler’s killers will remain extant forever, even after everyone is no more, either killed or dead.

What is likely to happen to those in the list of voters who supported his policies and voted for Trump and made him President? History repeats itself. It will be the same that had happened earlier.

Hitler (Trump) fed the same story (Old Lady & Baby Snake) against jews (refugees) to all those in his list of Black Shirts (list of those who vote for Trump) , who lapped it up lock, stock and barrel and brought upon untold misery on jews (refugees).

Trump’s list of his voters will be preserved very securely for similar treatment meted out to Black Shirts!

In modern times gap is reducing between happenings and their results. Very likely even before the celebrations are over the victory, the vanquished will be up and running killing those in that list of voters who had brought misery to them. They will be deaf to the exhortations of democracy from the victors! Why should they? If the victory was not based on democracy, but on the Story of Old Lady and a Baby Snake!


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