If you need a parade of a
horse and an elephant to identify them, you deserve a donkey as prize.
How many of our Presidents were
toppers in their college debating societies? I have not even heard anyone in
the past ever having been a great debater. Those guys generally prefer a law
course and become great lawyers and judges. Not Presidents. Presidents are
expected to take DECISIONS, just like judges do after listening to lawyers from
both sides. Lawyers look for points favoring his client. A judge has to decide
which point, if upheld, will be in public good and conform more to law as
already laid down.
Presidents do not keep their
fingers 24 hrs a day on the trigger to a nuclear bomb. Probably it does not even
happen once in the whole term of man Presidents. To dramatize debates anchors
focus more on who can press the button faster and gullible people make their
pick on that basis! What a way to decide an issue which is likely to affect the
nation for at least four years, if not for decades!
Both Presidential candidates have been
analyzed enough for taking a decision about them. What is the need of a public
drama of debates to change that well informed decision taken after almost a
year of filtering?
Has there been any instance when a debate changed the
fortune of any candidate and because of that a better candidate was elected?
Even if that were possible, does not it prove that that winning candidate would
have flopped as President, as he had a losing streak throughout which
fortunately changed at the end for better?
It is more likely we get worse of the two. Debates are just
media creations to make money and turning our elections into a carnival instead
of solemn duty.
You appoint a CEO after evaluating him in comparison with
others. Do you ask your two top picks to debate? That may prove who is a better
debater. But will it prove who will be a better executive? What is the main job
specification of President? Debating? No. He takes ALL his decisions after ALL
pros and cons are evaluated by an army of informed officers who have decades of
experience in their own fields. They are expected to have what should be our
immediate and long range reaction in any conceivable situation already
In months preceding elections all issues are always debated with candidates by media. The losing candidate is generally out of governance and politics. The winning candidate will not have public debates with his counterpart in real world and surely not face to face. If at all, it will be through media in the form of well drafted statements.
Let's, therefore, put an end to this wasteful and costly
entertainment, which only demeans the next President by highlighting his weak
points to our enemies without serving any good purpose.
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