These opinionated 'intellectuals'! They think if, a big IF, they are good in their fields, they are good enough to advise everybody else. Did they utter a single word all these ten years about what was going on? No, because according to them these are 'political' matters and do not concern them. But suddenly they realize they might be missing the big parties and the gatherings of their ilk.  They might not get the big media adulation anymore. If they are not a part of it, how could anything be good for the nation? For them poverty and poor people did not exist in their India, which as one of them put it "is a state of mind".  But come May 16, those whom these people despise, will be stealing the headlines and after a few years  getting all media attention. The poor of yester-years and 'unlettered' will be sitting along with them! Imagine these elites might even be looked down! OMG!  How can they put up with that? All these days they had this whip 'secularism' to beat those who were not like minded. But now they realize they will be left with no such fiction to peddle and maintain their holier-than-thou attitude. These kinds of 'elites' have always come to grief when the masters they serve and mingle with are rejected by the populace, the same people whom these pseudo elites looked down for so long. I am sure there will be another statement from the same types of elites, who have been sitting like the cat on the wall,  waiting for the results on the 16th. If the current elites win, they will join them in congratulating each other. If the current elites lose, these cats on the wall will come out with a new statement telling everybody that they had always known this is what was to happen and join the silent majority without any hesitation. Such hypocrites live in their own world with their own people, for whom the 'others' are only a set of illiterate fools who need their guidance at every step. In my India from May 16th they will have any space only if they can give up pretenses and learn to accept the reality. salman-rushdie-519143?pfrom=home-topstories


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