The Know-All Milind and his tricks!

Learn from Milind how to say in a thousand words what could be said in ten words. In the guise of enlightening all of us on the net neutrality issue, he is forcing us to go through his bio data as a Minister so that struck with awe we will concede his mastery on the subject and may be even agree with him. Not only that he even drags the issue of 'health hazards of mobile tower radiation', 'comparative body mass index of Europeans and Indians' and many other irrelevant things. What was his policy? Did he incorporate the policy in laws and regulations? If not, why not? Even in the USA the rules framed by the FCC went into effect ONLY on June 12, 2015! Look up Wikipedia  'Net Neutrality in the USA' ( Just a fortnight before after fierce discussion between all stake holders, government and judiciary for years! Yes, years. But our Milind found an opportunity to illuminate us about what are facts and how our PM is trying nefariously to conceal them from public! There is a limit to misleading public by giving your name to verbose blogs written by others! Time he shut up. 


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