Let's not forget that the Bill is to be passed in the Rajya Sabha. Not outside in Ram Leela Grounds or in a meeting between Sonia Gandhi and Modiji. There is no sense in talking about the bill meanwhile because it is not the people now, who will decide about the bill, it is the handful of opposition MPs who will 'try' to decide its fate. Modiji doesn't believe in wasting his time; he is a doer and no talker. 

Let the opposition not underestimate his fighting instincts and strategies. He is not the one who would have gone forward with the bill all the way, even if he had a little reservation about its passing. Do you think Congress is capable of outsmarting him? Assume for a minute it is capable of getting the bill postponed, how does it benefit Congress? Will people remember it till the next election? How will the opposition hold up a joint session? 

Please do not mistake the opposition to Land Bill as the opposition to it by farmers themselves. It is more a media frenzy. If there is a referendum today, it will be passed hands down. Our farmers are most innocent, most illiterate and the poorest of the poor in India. Most of them hold totally uneconomical size of land to cultivate, which is the reason for their enormous loan burden and with the absence of any alternative employment, they are left with no other alternative than committing suicide. Who will buy their small piece of land with attached loans much more than its value? It is only the farm lords, who own substantial acreage of fertile land who are, supported by opposition politicians, making a hue and cry against the Land Bill. The opposition party MPs are fully aware that it is their last chance for existence and that is why they are going tooth and nail fighting it out. They also know if they can keep on dragging the fight for a couple of more years, there will be a slight chance of their improving their numbers in assemblies and the Parliament. For that NOT to happen, BJP requires about 100 more votes in Rajya Sabha. It is these 100 MPs who are holding up the bill, not the millions of farmers as the opposition would want us to believe. It is good there is a fight for survival of the opposition. After this fight is over, as it would surely be won by BJP, there will be calm and quiet for the PM to go ahead with his plans.



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