Heard of a Tughlaq Judge recently?

Oh My God! The first illegal action was by those who occupied railway land. And just because of the children, the court has ordered the illegal action not to be terminated! In the name of children, first rape became almost legal for minors and now illegal occupation. Next indecent dance in bars in the name of protecting wage earners? Then giving right to students to have a say in the appointment of teachers? Then in the name of freedom to eat whatever you want, allowing activities unacceptable to a large majority of people? What happens when a mother of five children, murders her husband? The court waits till the children come of age? All public interest litigations, when finally disposed off, do hurt certain sections of people. In fact every law enacted affects adversely a section of people. That is what is law. That is why we want the law to be blind! 

I have always thought the oppressive majority will be kept under control by the judiciary with a balanced view of things. But it does not seem to be so. 

What next? The court could have very well ordered the children to be put in an orphanage and allowed the parents to take their children away after they settle down. Or if judge was so concerned, he could have ordered relief only to those families with children. Why stop the whole operation? I have heard of Tughlaq Raja. Now we seem to be having Tughlaq Judge!



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