Rahul Kanwal! Do your homework!

 'Running of the Bulls' is NOT 'Bull Fight' and this is a national sport in Spain, Portugal, Mexico and Southern France! Focus on National Development & leave alone distractions!

What is wrong with you, Rahul? Jallikattu is a pure sport. Where is barbarism in it? None is forced to face rampaging bulls! This ancient festival in a different form but in a much more thrilling way, is more popular in cities of Spain, Portugal, Mexico and Southern France even today! It is called there 'Running of the Bulls' and not 'Bull Fights' with which you are probably confusing this. It has nothing to do with the BULL FIGHTS of Spain where bulls are cheated and put to death by sword! 
Lookup: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_of_the_Bulls

Though our Supreme Court had banned Jallikattu, I don't think any of the judges, if they had gone to witness a Jallikattu or had even witnessed it on TV, would have actually seen any 'fight' with bulls. They gave the judgment rightly against cock, goat, dog and other animal fights where they die and Jallikattu was probably included by mistake in the same group. In Jallikattu all that the men confronting a bull try to do is to put a garland of flowers around its neck! That is all. They worship the bull in Tamil Nadu as Shiva's 'vahan'. If anyone is hurt, it is those who try to garland the bulls! Never the bull. It is venerated in Tamil Nadu farmers and nobody eats beef there. Nobody carries any knife, danda or other offensive material while trying to tame a bull, many times stronger and more powerful than several persons trying to block its path. To cap it all, the bull is also often fed with liquor to make Jallikattu more ferocious. Supreme Court judgments are not the final words for ever on everything. They might be so legally, but you know law is  called an ass and also that it is trampled upon mercilessly in India and nobody bothers about it!


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