May it please the Chief Justice:

Please go through the poins raised in my blog and issue necessary orders prohibiting Delhi Chief Minister from issuing any such order.

They have exempted 'VIP Vehicles' or VIPs when travelling in their vehicles? If it is vehicles, their family members also will be able to use it. Volunteers cannot have challan powers; how will they control? If a vehicle in the middle lane is found to have violated, how do you get it out? What is the 'rough estimate' of expenses on 10000 additional buses & school buses and also expenses on 10000 volunteers? If the scheme is disbanded, will the fines be refunded or voided, if not paid? Why CM embarrassing Chief Justice by requesting car pool instread of requesting all exempted VIPs? Since they have security protection, how do the security personnel travel, when VIP is carpooling? If a woman driver is permitted but not a woman driver by a driver, will it not be discriminatory? In fact even giving women special consideration might be discriminatory. A hybrid vehicle can use petrol also. How could then be exempted? With so many lacunas in the bill, who drafted and who vetted it from legal angle? Since if this scheme fails, another may take years, will the Chief Judges suo moto reject the Bill and ask CM to do his home work better?


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