You would have noticed the way Rahul delivers the speeches nowadays. He used to carry notes in Hindi written in English alphabet and deliver what he had been coached earlier, like a high school dropout. This earned him the epithet of  'Pappu' 'Rahul Bhaiya' etc. Not anymore. Nowadays he shouts his words sounding very energetic and he seems to be angry at something or the other always throughout his speech! Very synthetically emotional! When he angrily shouts in a Union meeting " We don't want to make this nation on the foundation of your blood and sweat, on your children's future.." do you think people seriously try to understand exactly what he is saying? No, When someone speaks fast you cannot understand every word he says; you get a sense of what he is saying and the emotion conveys whether the speaker agrees with his own statement or doesn't. Every labourer whether he works for a motor car company earning at least three or four hundred rupees a day or a mason building a wall earning two or three hundred, thinks he is being exploited and he will  readily agree with Rahul. Once you agree with such generalized statements, you tend to agree even specific statements that will follow, without much thought. That is where he inserts his 'suit & boot', 'intolerant', 'party of the rich', etc. thoughts. Not only Rahul, but every public speaker does this. The only difference between a speaker with good intentions and a charlatan is: When you recall or read the speech, but without the emotional input, you may agree with what the good speaker said; but when you recall what the charlatan said you will start wondering why the speaker was so angry, was he really concerned so much about the issue, what has he done about it so long, etc.

This is a psychological trick played by all politicians who know their games well. You generally reciprocate the same emotion of the speaker and when you do so, you agree with him and when you agree with him repeatedly, you tend to follow him. That simple.

Unfortunately for us our media is totally partial and their reporting is far from factual. It will be good if you hear our leaders' actual speeches which are mostly available in Youtube. You can also pay more attention to what EXACTLY the speaker wants to convey and if he is right about it. 


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