Selected Tweets that I liked with my response - May 1, 2017
@narendramodi Can understand yr not wanting to divert your focus from development but if a big hurdle is removed fast, u can focus better!
Nothing has changed @narendramodi Ji
This will continue & nothing will change
They change only when they r defeated completely #BadlaLo
@narendramodi Fin&Def R 2 heavy portfolios. HM is very weak & FM also as DM working half-heartedly. U hv a General in the cabinet, remember?
Supporting Renu ji & will like to repeat her Sentiments …

When one teases a powerful, he is always given a long rope to hang if he persists. Wait for the moment when anxiety turns into exuberance!
Kiran Kumar S @KiranKS
Man.. I live in a very rich city I guess! My govt can afford Rs.600,00,00,000 per KM to "decongest" Bengaluru :)
Put big cars in bus lane 2 slow down craze for them. Stagger office/school/cinema hrs. Ban carts/trucks during peak hours.
Today's UK: Muslims remind Brits who is boss in the city of Bolton.
This community born in deserts knows the trick played by camel. Enter the tent 4 water & shade, but either occupy the whole of it R destroy!
It shud have canceled the earlier election also held on Apr. 19 where the total votes polled was abnormally low and should not have counted. Why can't it also fix a minimum percentage of votes to be polled so as to make the election free of pressure tactics?
Kejriwal has been asking 4 free tickets 4 his whole family. But was refused by film distributors /theater owners since MCD election results!
RanjitMand @RanjitSMand
But issue here is when one Terrorist dies, 1000 Muslims in Kashmir comes forward to claim the body. What will you do?
Ask them to show their Aadhar Card. Dum dabake bhaag jayenge!
The UK reformed its civil service decades ago, but we continue to cling to our colonial legacy …

A well-informing article. Should be read.
Amid worsening Indo-Pak ties, Congress pushes Centre for ‘dialogue’
Read @ANI_news story -> …
Congress will not mind even national humiliation, as long as it is not humiliated for past sins. It knows once Kashmir problem is solved, that will be its official death toll!
Funny how fiberals are busy writing damning reviews of #Bahubali2, while shows everywhere are running to packed houses!
Some people take a vicarious pleasure in appreciating which others totally reject & vice versa. They think they look good that way! Ignore!
As you know Trump offered $5 million for Obama's transcripts, calling Obama "least transparent president in history" …
Could not you find an older story than this 2012 story! Why are you wasting our time?
50,000cr turnover of Khadi
An unimaginable feet achieved!
What a boost to swadeshi &village industry!
Sincere efforts of govt bearing fruits
I had read abt handloom being sold as khadi 2 government depts. How come overnight so many had learned 2 make money out of khadi? Sure they can make MORE money sitting @ home by making other handicrafts. Maybe an in-depth investigation will help govt not having 2 regret later on!
Just because someone made a movie with Hindu background it isn't @HuffPostIndia’s Secular duty to spread hatred about 'Bahubali'
US businessmen invest a decade or 2 B4 anything starts yielding results. At the moment they do not want India 2 become a 3rd or 4th force.When V become too big 2 handle, they will make an offer of a share in loot, in exchange 4 our cooperation 4 letting them continue stealing! Their investments in worldwide media to subvert foreign governments is known and is admitted by them.
Now diggy is serious after party shunted him out .. giving sane advice hope Pappu does not obey him …
Is he acting out the story of the "Fox & the Grapes"? 4 those youngsters who may not have read that: A fox repeatedly failed in its attempts to pick grapes that were up hanging from veins. Tired, it walked away muttering "I think these are sour grapes and not fit for eating."
Mr.Chinnan a full time evangelist joined BJP today in my office. Mr. Ravi who joined earlier is welcoming him into our party fold. Welcome
Q: Will he stop being an evangelist now? …

No, he will continue recruitment and take hafta from them! Do you know Amway? It is a time-tested privately owned consumer product marketing worldwide corporation with 23,000 employees. Xianity is spread in India in the same model. New recruits collect hafta on Sunday's prayer & keep on sending it up all the way after keeping for themselves a share. Everyone loots & more thieves join in 2 make money 4 themselves. As 'peace-loving evangelists' they infiltrate all political parties stating they are interested only in emancipation of poor & downtrodden!
When Congress forms Govt in Gujarat, we will not tell our Mann Ki Baat, but listen to the people's Mann Ki Baat.

See how truthful he has become! He only promises he'll listen & does not say a word abt whether he'll take any action! He has never done it!
Venezuela is a real time social experiment of far left policy in action & it's a humanitarian catastrophe
Pls see full video how a prosperous nation is ruined by exploiting politicians & military! Eye-opener 4 those who complain abt everything!
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