Selected Tweets that I liked with my response - May 3, 2017
We have great actors. But not all of them R great human beings, like Akshay Kumar R Amitabh Bachchan! We R fortunate to have them among us!
कांग्रेसियों,अलगाववादियों,कुछ न्यूज़ चैनलों & दलाल मीडियाकर्मियों की शायद यही सोच है & यह सोच व्यक्त हो रहा है
उनकी आलोचना & अंध विरोध से। …

Recall the story of the hare and the tortoise! Slow and steady win the race. Recall the story of the hare and the tortoise! Slow and steady win the race and don't quote me: "Hit the iron while it is hot!"
cant believe that there is wimpy old COP who is standing by this jihadi islamist to give him protection! @TarekFatah @PrisonPlanet @MarkDice Go to for video: https://

Hitler was heckled before he became most powerful and Germans & Europeans had to pay with their lives for getting rid of him. Now they have been conditioned against bloodshed & grief so much, they will welcome anyone who offers peace, though it will the type found in a cemetery.
Times of India @timesofIndia
Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to Pak is an obligation for WTO members and all members have to extend it to each other: @MEAIndia (PTI)
It would be obvious to even a donkey.. but not to @MEAIndia.. and Pak hasnt reciprocated for 20 years? #Morons …
Good Governance @sri9011
"all members have to extend it to each other" means if Pakistan doesnt reciprocate the MFN status, India can revoke it.
How I wish Govt can B run by Twitterati! I believe people who R actually involved in responding 2 Pak's misadventure R too busy 2 reply!
जिहादी ममता बनर्जी ने की शर्मनाक कार्य.. अमित शाह को खाना खिलाने वाले परिवार को अगवा करके उन्हें जबर्दस्ती TMC का कार्यकर्ता बनाया ।

It should have been done by her ardent supporters trying by hook or crook to stop BJP govt in WB! She has a lot more to worry than this!
कोई बुद्धिजीवि ये बता दे की गाँधी पर थोड़े बहुत और नेहरू पर कुछ भी नही छोड़ कर,अंग्रेजो ने भगत सिंह जैसे लाखो देश भक्तो पर जुल्म किया क्यूँ?

Please, nobody bothered abt conserving nature those days. Save Tiger movement started much later. Don't mix up just 4 the sake of blaming!
अगर भारत -पाक युद्ध होता है तो,
मरियम नवाज मेरी होगी ,
पहले बता दिया बाद मे किचकिच,
नही करेगा कोई कान खोल सुनलो सभी ।।

I had read abt thieves worshipping God before they went for theft! I am ashamed as an Indian for @twitter having allowed this tweet!
इंदिरा ने अफगानिस्तान यात्रा
में बाबर की कब्र पर सिजदा किया,
कहा कि तुम्हारे वंशजों के हाथ में
भारत का ताज है। …
Natwar Lal was a corrupt turncoat. After he was thrown out campaigned against Indira. Chor aur Chorini ...(Don't know their relationship)
We Don't want Kadi Ninda
We don't want Spineless Speeches
We Want Action
We want our Soldiers Free Hand.

You brought tears to my eyes! Bless you!
That's correct. The personal freedom doesn't allow to trample on rights of others. It goes with noise pollution coming from all religions.
I think I read somewhere Churchill having said: "Your right to wave your hand ends where the other's nose begins."
Dirty 420 #Presstitutes badmouthing #BJP @BJP4India in the name of #Secularism #Socialism #Marxism #Leninism #Communism #Multiculturalism …

I now realize that some donkeys are also roaming around in the garb of presstitutes!
Y can't V let them stew in their own juice 4 some time & make an open offer with the concurrence of workers? V have enough @ home 2 develop. Remember, we once were like them asking foreigners to help us with our industries and they devoured our industrial and natural resources.
#Baahubali2TheConclusion: Here are 5 reasons why you should not watch the movie …

The reviewer is such a great critic that he would have found fault for making so many mistakes with God Himself in His creation!
And who is responsible for this illiteracy? As per my understanding, irrespective of cast and religion all are getting same opportunities. …
Are you dreaming? In which nation in this world at any Yuga "all were getting same opportunities"? Talk some sense.
A request to all- don't abuse anyone here .... 

This attitude of closing eyes 2 reality & chanting "Om Shanti!" has converted us from roaring tigers of good old days into mewing cats 2day!
Would you mind asking this question to @PawarSpeaks,whose lieutenant is the ICC chairman?
Hamme to apno ne loota, gairo ...

India, being largest contributor 4 ICC revenues, rightly wanted the lion's share. Any1 who voted with it wud have voted against himself!
Don't know in India,what Netas think of value of public life, few days before,martyr family had to wait for Bihar CM's convoy
Have seen media coming down heavily on netas on this subject. R U sure that Neta knew abt martyr's family having to wait? I don't think so. Very likely security police had no advance information and were carrying out the standard procedure without knowing about anything.
Uddhav Thackeray is the Mumbai Avatar of Kejriwal. When U have friends like him who needs an enemy? He is planning 4 Shiv Sena 2 resign from BMC & call 4 re-elections & strengthen his majority 2 arm twist Center for 5 more years, by using unrest in India over Kashmir agitation!
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