Selected Tweets that I liked, with my response - May 29, 2017
@narendramodi France is asking Iraqi troops 2 kill French terrorists. Should V ask UN 2 deploy US soldiers 4 peacekeeping operations in J&K?
PG&E is asking U 2 "Go Solar Without Panels" & asks U 2 opt 4 a solar energy supplier 2 get a lower rate @ pay "charges' to P&GE. It has been doing it already, but not paying U the difference! Like a thief caught with his hands in the till offering U a cut in the loot!
Telugu film hero Pawan Kalyan is planning to enter politics may be thinking of him as future NTR! Media encouraging transfer of popularity of some from one field to another without any previous record! A trend which should be discouraged unless there is sufficient foundation.
Come on, don't carry a grudge over centuries! Be reasonable! You remind me of the story where the wolf told the lamb "If not you, probably it was your grandmother, who muddied the waters." The story, of course, is no doubt interesting! ============================================================================
& also sowing the seeds of communalism & making laws, not 4 all but more suited 2 the majority community. Can't V learn from looking around?=============================================================================

@narendramodi Yes. It is time for us, Pakistan and international leadership to bite the bullet. No more wishy-washing! =============================================================================
Derek O'Brien is a guy whom I like in spite of his being with Mamta and opposed to BJP! My best wishes for his 2nd term in Rajya Sabha!
Why is the world justified in taking a liking to the new President of France? He adds weight 2 what he says, by refusing to repeat it! ============================================================================= No one needs to be apologetic for our army's treatment of stonepelters. No army including the one in Pakistan will put up with stonepelters!
Unless a candidate wants to lose very badly, none in any election in any other nation, except in Russia, will support Trump or his policies
WH shortly expected 2 announce that as a market of respect 2 visiting PM of India our President will greet all now with only Indian Namaste!
India relaxed its laws with just the same reason. You see the mud it is mired in now! Once Trump gets this done, expect demand for dozens of relaxations in rules by other religionists and on the refusal by govt, SC intervening to allow the petitions under equality of law for all.
You should see this if it is in the NDTV headline: "Army violates human rights 66 times!"
Gotcha! NDTV will say: "52% of Indians liked Congress PMs right from Independence day as compared to 48% of BJP PMs!" U failed in your duty!=============================================================================
VikasSaraswat @VikasSaraswat
This isn't innocuous. It is imperialist Marx Mullah Missionary ideologies claiming India belongs to none.They have their right to conquer it-----------------------------------------------------------
Now Kejriwal will try win votes on the support of only anti-Hindus! Understand he is observing Ramzan religiously!=============================================================================
Arvind Kejriwal @ArvindKejriwal
सà¤ी का ख़ून है शामिल यहाँ की मिट्टी में, किसी के बाप का हिंदुस्तान थोड़ी है।-----------------------------------------------------------
Now Kejriwal will try win votes on the support of only anti-Hindus! Understand he is observing Ramzan religiously!=============================================================================
PETA is a facade used by the USA for intelligence gathering and influencing foreign nations' politicians patronized by Cong Govt. Watch it.============================================================================= Paresh Rawal
The real faces of anti-nationals R being exposed 1 by 1. No wonder they R trying to save themselves and are fighting together! Be watchful!=============================================================================
Reminded of Kans who went on topping his bag of sins which brought his fall. Finally, Kerala is likely 2B out of the clutches of Communists!
@narendramodi You mean "History of modern India" as per Congress Govt. It is a must that ALL living generations must read the REAL history of India. Present govt shud hurry up revising textbooks w/out involving 'alleged' historians. Modern India shud b founded on real history.=============================================================================
The ? shud be: If this is the level of adulation when Achhe Din R only on the way, how much it'll go up when the day arrives B4 '19 shortly!=============================================================================
Tooth for a tooth is an old dispensation of justice when punishment was considered to be the ONLY deterrent to increasing crimes. But after Freud, it's uncertain & yet 2B resolved. Extremists think anything is right, but pacifists think maybe they R right, let's discuss!=============================================================================
@narendramodi France is asking Iraqi troops 2 kill French terrorists. Should V ask UN 2 deploy US soldiers 4 peacekeeping operations in J&K?
PG&E is asking U 2 "Go Solar Without Panels" & asks U 2 opt 4 a solar energy supplier 2 get a lower rate @ pay "charges' to P&GE. It has been doing it already, but not paying U the difference! Like a thief caught with his hands in the till offering U a cut in the loot!
Telugu film hero Pawan Kalyan is planning to enter politics may be thinking of him as future NTR! Media encouraging transfer of popularity of some from one field to another without any previous record! A trend which should be discouraged unless there is sufficient foundation.
Excellent. @TheEconomist recommended, during the 1876-79 famine, that "indolent Indians" needn't be saved by the Government. @ShefVaidya

Come on, don't carry a grudge over centuries! Be reasonable! You remind me of the story where the wolf told the lamb "If not you, probably it was your grandmother, who muddied the waters." The story, of course, is no doubt interesting! ============================================================================
Defying the majority community is the beginning of fall .
& also sowing the seeds of communalism & making laws, not 4 all but more suited 2 the majority community. Can't V learn from looking around?=============================================================================
Mera outfit of the day pichle teen saal se same hi hain.
Wake up and look out of the window! Or maybe it is time you changed your outfit of three years and sent it to cleaners!
“Terrorists Won’t Live To See This Winter” – INDIAN ARMY Go to:
@narendramodi Yes. It is time for us, Pakistan and international leadership to bite the bullet. No more wishy-washing! =============================================================================
Derek O'Brien is a guy whom I like in spite of his being with Mamta and opposed to BJP! My best wishes for his 2nd term in Rajya Sabha!
Twitter shuts up controversial singer Abhijeet again
No bus waits 4 a passenger nor the passenger has only one bus 2 travel! Both depend upon each other & can't care less @ the same time!
France's Macron, alongside Putin, denounces two Russian media for election meddling
Why is the world justified in taking a liking to the new President of France? He adds weight 2 what he says, by refusing to repeat it! ============================================================================= No one needs to be apologetic for our army's treatment of stonepelters. No army including the one in Pakistan will put up with stonepelters!
Merkel's main challenger comes to her defense & slams Trump. Internal politics aside, still remarkable. They're in the middle of a campaign. …
Unless a candidate wants to lose very badly, none in any election in any other nation, except in Russia, will support Trump or his policies
Macron says his handshake with Trump was a "moment of truth"

Compare the first visit of any of our Presidents abroad. It was cheering crowds all the way. Trump faced only a handful of mourners!
Macron says his handshake with Trump was a "moment of truth"

WH shortly expected 2 announce that as a market of respect 2 visiting PM of India our President will greet all now with only Indian Namaste!
White House Acts to Ease Birth Control Rule for Employers With Religious Objections
India relaxed its laws with just the same reason. You see the mud it is mired in now! Once Trump gets this done, expect demand for dozens of relaxations in rules by other religionists and on the refusal by govt, SC intervening to allow the petitions under equality of law for all.
Only 66 of 1,695 rights abuse claims found to be true in 23 years: Army
You should see this if it is in the NDTV headline: "Army violates human rights 66 times!"
PM @narendramodi Ji haters please don't watch this video OR Go to:

Gotcha! NDTV will say: "52% of Indians liked Congress PMs right from Independence day as compared to 48% of BJP PMs!" U failed in your duty!=============================================================================
VikasSaraswat @VikasSaraswat
This isn't innocuous. It is imperialist Marx Mullah Missionary ideologies claiming India belongs to none.They have their right to conquer it-----------------------------------------------------------
Now Kejriwal will try win votes on the support of only anti-Hindus! Understand he is observing Ramzan religiously!=============================================================================
Arvind Kejriwal @ArvindKejriwal
सà¤ी का ख़ून है शामिल यहाँ की मिट्टी में, किसी के बाप का हिंदुस्तान थोड़ी है।-----------------------------------------------------------
Now Kejriwal will try win votes on the support of only anti-Hindus! Understand he is observing Ramzan religiously!=============================================================================
PETA thanked Rahul Gandhi just for condemning cow slaughter.
Has @PetaIndia ever thanked @narendramodi govt for banning cow slaughter ? …
The Termite Clan eat away their own home - …
The real faces of anti-nationals R being exposed 1 by 1. No wonder they R trying to save themselves and are fighting together! Be watchful!=============================================================================
Left Govt in Kerala made a beef eater the Minister of Temples
Disregarding , disrespecting and disgracing Kerala Hindu community

Reminded of Kans who went on topping his bag of sins which brought his fall. Finally, Kerala is likely 2B out of the clutches of Communists!
Our next generations should not read about History of modern India as we were forced by Congress govt. #BreakCongress @BJP4India @AmitShah
No Achhe Din, Yet #Modi’s Popularity Is Rising; Why? @rvaidya2000 …
The ? shud be: If this is the level of adulation when Achhe Din R only on the way, how much it'll go up when the day arrives B4 '19 shortly!=============================================================================
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