Selected Tweets that I liked, with my response - May 19/20, 2017

While evaluating popularity why not have a Love, Hate & CCL (Can't-Care-Less) Ratings which will reflect sentiments of all seriously involved in politics better than just Approval Ratings? The results then will be free of manipulation by designer questions found in spurious surveys!
One reader's reaction to a report of Trump calling Comey a "nut job" in a meeting with Russian officials
Is the President aware that it is the Russians who are leaking info to keep him under their thumbs so that they don't leak more such stuff? =============================================================================
We must embrace the job-killing robot armies; that is, if they ever arrive, writes
An increase in demand AT CONSTANT price will result in more people enjoying benefit and higher living standards as a whole, as individual consumption is limited. However, increased consumption @ much higher prices 2 satisfy demand artificially generated by media and businesses by slight product changes & built in redundancy works the opposite way by helping the creation of 100s of rich as against millions of poor! Think of fewer models of cars, phones & planes, even dresses, at prices ten years before! Who benefits when we buy new & throw away the old? Please don't take me to the extreme of my position & condemn it, thereby condemning what I say. Think reasonably.

Any sensible Govt would have put her behind bars by now.....Why is still waiting is a matter of concern?????....Waiting for riots?
She is tweeting only for the consumption of Indian haters abroad and for helping propaganda by our enemies. It is her means for a living! =============================================================================
Allopathic medicine at 5% GST; Ayurvedic 12%, used to be untaxed. Must be a Hindu-friendly govt, advancing native traditions.
@narendramodi Surprised! I am sure it will be corrected in the right way which will be just the reverse! =============================================================================
कम्मो की आधीरात वाली नौटंकी देखलर गालिबने फरमाया- *ये बंदकराने आयीथी आप के कोठे मगर सिक्को की खनक देखकर खुदही तबायफ बनबैठी*

Was Ghalib a clairvoyant that he could see the birth and fall of Dr.KumarVishwas so many decades back and write a sher in his dishonor!
Replying to @shobhachandla @patnaikt and 11 others
Every1 in the world in race 2 fool the Gullible Hindu,The innocent Hindu,The meek Hindu,The poor Hindu2make him ashamed of his existence
Wah, Wah! Wah, Wah!! Kya meethi churi bhonka aapne! But the Hindu knows to take everything in his stride & march towards his extermination! =============================================================================
Mobs are hunting and killing Muslims across India and THERE IS NO JUSTICE FOR THE KILLERS! WAKE UP, GOI!

Look how she is inciting Riots in India and no action would be taken, She is a VIP so she has all right to say
Her purpose achieved. Now she will claim 000s of RT of her tweet was the proof! No 1 knows 2 what depth a shameless 'lady' can descend! =============================================================================
From the day Modi was Nominated as PM Candidate of NDA Indian Rupee has appreciated sharply against all the major currencies
Jai Ho! =============================================================================
@divya @narendramodi Thk U very much! I wud have expected a tweet from the Health Ministry much B4 U tweeted! Pretty sure PM will take care! =============================================================================
All debates on TV should b banned.Waste of time.Few panelist's hv any knowledge of the subject.Same set of panelist's flit channel2channel
As long as compulsive viewers are there, these TV shows and panelists will be there. I find twitter enough for my entertainment! =============================================================================
These corrupt leaders shud spend @ least a week in jail B4 they R given bail & special law enacted if necessary 4 courts 2 dispose of cases in time bound manner. Otherwise, things will go back 2 old days when cases used to be kept pending for decades! Wide publicity a must!=============================================================================
You've lost ur head Becoming a menace for India.Wonder how your family is coping with you.Go see psychiatrist or do Vipasana
A mosquito becomes a 'menace' when you feel helpless to put an end to it and instead feed it with your blood!
Rich claim there is equal opportunity 4 all in our democracy. When everything including public services like banking and housing, is priced beyond the reach of poor how can U call ours a democracy? As U R occupying higher ground, U can't be called a fair shooter in a competition!


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