Selected Tweets that I liked, with my response - May 16, 2017

One good way to check overvaluation of opponent's brand name could be to advertise your product as "You don't have to pay more for using our logo." R "Pay for our quality, not for our BIG LOGO." or "Quality of our products speaks for itself; we don't have to brand them in bold."
Hindus are timid race,surrendered all their divine rights to Government & Judiciary without much protest unlike their Muslim counterparts
@DrGarekar We Hindus were as bad as any other. The only difference is V R just a century ahead of other nations in our cultural development, that had touched the depths aftr having been the best possible ever during Vedic days! Compare other ancient cultures like Chinese/Japanese! =============================================================================
Saurashtra is Modi's Achilles heel, and yesterday there was a huge voter turn-out; you don't have to be a psephologist to figure that out!
Do U hv any advance info abt results R simply kite flying 4 a flash of glory, only 2 fall down with a thump like a cake of fresh cow dung? =============================================================================


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