Selected Tweets that I liked, with my response - May 12, 2017
Jeff Sessions is vetting the candidates for FBI Director. The same Jeff Sessions who supposedly recused himself from Russia investigation.
Tramp doesn't realize a defeat will not hurt so much, as being thrown out disgraced 4ever aftr victory! He'll spend his last yrs raving mad! In one way he is God sent! He will take with him the worst elements today calling themselves Republicans!
Happy birthday #SunnyLeone: 10 hottest photos of Bollywood's Baby Doll …
Ladies shud boycott instead of appreciating all magazines TV shows fashion items & newspaper ads that show photos & describe women as "hot"
Ladies shud boycott instead of appreciating all magazines TV shows fashion items & newspaper ads that show photos & describe women as "hot"
If Pakistan and 21 other countries have abolished triple talaq, why can't India? … via @scroll_in
It is like the old saying: "More royal than the King!" Indian duplicate Muslims are more Islamic than the real Arab Muslims themselves!
आज़ाद मुल्क बलूचिस्तान में जूमे की नमाज़ के वक्त हुए धमाके में
20 नमाज़ी मरे
सवाल ये कि
इन्हें मारने वाले जेहादी जन्नत जाएँगे या नमाज़ी ?
How cud U think of asking such embarrassing questions! Do U think those terrorists who fight in the name of Islam ever go 2 Masjid to pray?
"अगर केजरीवाल 2 घंटे में EVM हैक नहीं कर पाया तो उसे "नंगा" करके कडी धूप में दौड़ाया जायेगा।बाकी विरोधीयों का भी यह हाल होगा।"
If U R really serious abt this, Y do U hv a time limit of 2 hrs for Kejriwal? Those he is frivolously accusing of had years 2 do a good job!
50K schools in J&K, students of 4-5 schools indulged in stone pelting, Delhi Media presented it as a wide spread phenomenon. …
You cannot at the same time call it not much big of an agitation and also say our forces are struggling to contain it! Something is wrong!
Fluctuated & Flexible Fundamentals or Practices of Either Religions,are to be immediately be Stopped,As Sati-Pratha. …
Why SC is refusing to go into the related question of Nikah halala? It is worse than triple talaq and more demeaning and insulting to women.
इस चश्मे के specification में लिखा था ऊपर देखने से पारियां दिखाई देती हैं
इससे तो अँधेरा दिख रहा है छोटी गंगा बोल के गंदे नाले में कुदा दिया

This atom bomb had gone phat like a fused phuljhadi! Can you shut a mouth with enough money?
नारीशक्ति की ताकत का अंदाजा आप इसीसे लगा लीजिये कि,
कम्प्यूटर अभी भी "मदर"बोर्ड से ही चलरहा है
फादरबोर्ड का दूर दूर तक नामोनिशान नहीं है

It's nothing new! The World over a woman is loved, honored & respected as a mother since fathers can't do their job even if they wanted!
Failure to initiate edu reforms is Modi Sarkar's weakest link. Lack of robust security policy is a close second. 7526 votes. #TwitterPoll

Unfair, one-sided question for a poll. It should have simultaneously indicated positive angles also suitable for overall impression.
@narendramodi Wish BJP gives @ least equal weight in national media to its State CMs. In the long run, they will be the pillars of BJP!
रूबरू मिलने का मौका हमेशा नहीं मिलता
इसलिए शब्दों से सबको छू लेता हूँ।
कुछ रेलवे के स्टेशन जो रिश्तों की अहमियत बयां करते है

I don't know why, but the word 'Bap' doesn't sound as respectful as it should to denote father! Is it my South Indian origin?
A nation can only grow when no voice is silenced & no question ignored.

Indeed, it is the other way round. A Nation can grow when people realise how harmful Gag Orders can be ... Like in Emergency ... …
I am sure you take a cold water bath in winter before you get into bed to enjoy its warmth! I would not have believed Indira Gandhi said that but for the photograph underneath!
Market for chamcha news TV is peaking. Curious if will lead to diversification - not because of discovery of spine but 'market forces'.
@SreenivasanJain You as a presstitute will know better about 'market forces'! Ordinary journos know only about facts and figures! Journos report & editors opine! That should be the norm 4 newspapers. @ least V will not have 2 blame poor journos 4 presstitute editors!
Doh takke ka Gandhis even claim they fought for independence.. NONSENSE.. @Republic.. These idiots just looted India.. Shameless creatures.
No doubt the Nehrus & fake Gandhis fought 4 India's independence! But their large bill 4 the battle still being paid by India is enormous!==========================================================================
जितना ज्यादा समय आप ट्विटर पे देंगे, आपके निजी जीवन में उतनी ही ज्यादा परेशानियां आयेंगी। ट्विटर पर एक निश्चित समय ही खर्च करे, और खुश रहे।
While I appreciate what Yogiji says, the problem is we would not like any of our followers 2 feel not respected if V don't respond to them!
Firm of Arvind's late brother-in-law named. FIRs filed under Prevention of Corruption Act #Arvindgate
Lt Gov. of Delhi shud ensure Kejriwal gives enough time 2 his work 2 get full salary. He might b busy whole day cases against him in courts!
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