Do you see the blatant use of all the available avenues provided by our Constitution for the use of innocents to make use of, being used by self-confessed criminals and the lawyers and also the courts at different levels helping the criminals escape what was due to them for years with the help of highly paid lawyers? The courts keep on tossing the cases up and down to keep themselves and lawyers busy doing nothing at the cost of poor litigants and innocent victims of law from getting the justice due to them for years.
Showing posts from April, 2015
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Most of the US Nationals hardly bother about any statement issued by their law makers or reports by the innumerable Commissions and Committees, which are not read by even those sign them! I am surprised Government of India bothered to issue a rebuttal. Totally unnecessary. Just throw any papers from their law makers into the dustbin for recycling. That is the best use you can make of it.
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Reason runs away when it is confronted by passion. Invariably. Every time. If you share even a little of the passion, that much or more reason is beyond your perception. Every emotion, be it affection between family members, patriotism or even your favoring a particular cricket team is based on this.The passion is kept in check only by fear of hurt. Nothing else. That is the same reason why only a very very small percentage of farmers who become utterly helpless commit suicide. Millions of others overcome their misfortune one way or the other and life goes on. 'Marta kya na karta' so goes a Hindi proverb. If one does not find any other way, it does not mean he has no other way. It only means HE is neither able to find a way on his own or willing to ask for and/or seek the help of others for one reason or the other, in preference to ending his own life. True, the government should be more forthcoming to help those who cannot help themselves; but if a government which had been ...
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There is an unending stream of announcements of huge new projects each with a proposed investment running to billions of rupees. While nobody can question the sincerity of government's intentions, the mere size of such a huge investment, all at the same time all over the country, makes one wonder about how efficiently all these projects will be planned, started and completed in time. Do we have the necessary management efficiency in government officials? How strictly money flow will be controlled and tenders accepted? In all govt projects it has been the experience in the past of time over runs of several years and even decades! Is there going to be any in built methods to avoid this? Details on these topics along with at least a quarterly report on the progress made and what is proposed to be done in the next quarter, will create a great lot of sustained interest of people on these projects and also shut the mouth of incessant criticizers
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What is the need for the ingratiating encomiums paid in the first paragraph? Dutt and defensive? She is the best when she is in the offensive, as she is in this write up. What has a medical journal to do with the percentage of crime reported in India? Don't lap up anything published abroad. After giving a few statistics, we are told they can be deceptive! "How is this anything other than a fact of deceptive symbolism?" Can you make anything out of this sentence? Just empty drum sounding louder. When you compare the percentage of cases of women's victimization in India with its population with those of western countries, many of which are smaller than our States, you will find we are not doing so bad after all. Please also mention that in other countries if you want to accuse someone of rape, be prepared to prove it; otherwise you will be sued for a sum which will make you pauper. Besides their moral values are so lax, most of the incidents are simply ignored as noth...
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FARMERS' SUICIDES and HOOCH TRAGEDIES IN THE PAST Many of us will remember the havoc caused by illegal liquor and the numerous deaths caused all over India and the heavy compensation paid by government because they were unable to control that tragedy. For every genuine claim probably there were a dozen bogus claims, but because it was a human tragedy, nothing was openly mentioned, lest one might be branded as 'heartless'. In one story I read the wife on finding her husband recovering from a hooch tragedy abusing and questioning him why did not he die and help the family instead of recovering and continuing to be a burden on it. There is a lot of resemblance to that story to the present day tragedy of kisan death. If the government is willing to take care of a family with an amount which they would have never seen in their life, any oppressed kisan will be tempted to go that route to fulfill his commitment to his wife and children. The government does not mind pay...
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I IMPLORE YOU! IN THE NAME OF DR. V.K MURTHY! Friends of India! While sitting in the USA as its citizen, I am crying while reading the news of Dr. Vivek Murthy being sworn in as the Surgeon General of the USA! My heart goes out to the millions upon millions of you, who have the same opportunities as Dr. Murthy's grand-father. Not all grandsons of Indians who migrated to India, have reached such eminent position; but surely many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, believe me, have reached an economic level here in the USA in which they could easily be called, in rupee terms crorepatis! Their percentage among Indians here in the USA, will be as much as the percentage of poor to the population in India, probably. How could this happen? Almost all Indians here are focused in being good citizens, educated and caring for the good of the nation. They are NOT as much interested in local politics except to vote for the party in which they believe in; but hardly in any ...
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HOW DARE THE BJP GOVT CORRECT SOMETHING WHICH IS WRONG? When I read comments I can see most people are literally talking through their hats! Admittedly it is a master plan to span 20 years, to be executed AFTER the financial implication and other minute details are worked out and published. It seems (I am knowingly using this word because I never heard of this master plan though I read regularly on line NDTV, Indian Express and TOI and never came across any news about the mass protest against this!) the Master Plan proposed by BMC was full of defects and therefore the State Govt has cancelled it totally. Once a recently approved plan is cancelled on public demand, all media are full of only this news! Is it because they have found another stick to beat the BJP Govt? Cannot the BJP even correct any mistake of municipalities listening to public reaction? Is it done for opposing anything that is done irrespective of it is for public good or not? Now that it has been cancelled why su...
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NET NEUTRALITY - WHY SHOULD IT BE FREE IF YOU CAN PAY FOR IT? When someone incurs expenses to provide you with service, why should you want it to be free? In every service oriented endeavor charges are different to different set of people depending on the quality of service provided. Airlines, Railway, Cinema Theatres, etc. etc. I cannot think of ONE thing where the provider after incurring expenses provides the service free. It is true some advt revenue is earned by the provider. But a very large number of businesses make use of this free service to make substantial money. Road are a free service. But cyclists and pedestrians are not charged, whereas motorists pay a hefty road tax to make use of it. There is hardly much difference in internet and road as far as similarity of usage is concerned.
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JOKE OF THE DAY A man was telling his buddy: "You won't believe what happened last night." My daughter walked into the living room and said: "Dad, do not pay off my college tuition loan, cancel my allowance, throw away all my clothes and take my iPhone and laptop. In addition, please take all of my jewelry and give it to Salvation Army. Then, sell my car, take my front door key away from me and lock me out of your house. Then, disown me and never talk to me again. And don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to anyone you choose." "Holy Smokes", replied the friend, "She actually said that?" The father replied: "Well, she didn't actually put it quite like that." What she said was: "Dad, meet my new boyfriend, Mohammed. We're going to work together on Hillary's 2016 election" JOOTHMALANI & HIS CHALIS CHOR If more judges of High Courts and Supreme Court...
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WHO BUYS SHIV SENA VOTES? Nirupam says: "As long as Muslim votes are for sale, the community will remain backward and its leaders will become rich." How right he is! Really, he is right once this time! Unfortunately the same thing is right when you apply to it to Maratha votes also. How come in the business capital of India, Mumbai, Marathas are the poorest? Because of Shiv Sena and its taking Marathas for a ride by trying to do their best to use dharnas and morchas to obstruct progress in every which way they can. Nirupam makes feel Singhvi feel disgusted. Naturally and rightfully so. Disenfranchisement of any community should make every democrat feel likewise. But does he feel in the same way about his Congress Party also which led to this comment? Was it not the Congress Party which played the politics of communalism and thus encouraged both Hindu and Muslim communalists to take roots? Did not Congress leaders took the side of Muslims in every aspect of life by ...
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ABHISHEK SINGHVI SHOULD NOT FEEL DISGUSTED: Nirupam says: "As long as Muslim votes are for sale, the community will remain backward and its leaders will become rich." How right he is! Really, he is right once this time! Unfortunately the same thing is right when you apply to it to Maratha votes also. How come in the business capital of India, Mumbai, Marathas are the poorest? Because of Shiv Sena and its taking Marathas for a ride by trying to do their best to use dharnas and morchas to obstruct progress in every which way they can. Nirupam makes Singhvi feel disgusted. Naturally and rightfully so. Disenfranchisement of any community should make every democrat feel likewise. But does he feel in the same way about his Congress Party also which led to this comment? Was it not the Congress Party which played the politics of communalism and thus encouraged both Hindu and Muslim communalists to take roots? Did not Congress leaders took the side of Muslims in every aspect...
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QUEUE ONLY FOR THE POOR IN SUPREME COURT No wonder criminals with a big bank balance and a 'Senior' advocate can buy justice in India! Imagine the heartlessness: a condemned prisoner may languish in jail for years before his case is heard and if he is acquitted who compensates for him for the years he had spent behind bars? Why cannot they be given bail with guarantees and security or at least allowed to go out of jail frequently with escort to meet their families and just for breathing fresh air? PRESTITUTE IS THE RIGHT WORD! We can see every day the most popular journos twisting facts and sell their view point for TRPs. It is not unlike a sex worker selling herself for some consideration after putting on make up to please the customer. The Minister was 100% right.
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A GOOD BAND OF JOURNALISTS IN INDIAN EXPRESS MADE TO RUB THEIR NOSES ON THE GROUND JUST TO PLEASE THE IRRATIONAL BOSS: Indian Express cannot see anything in its true perspective if the word 'Modi' is there! Are all the journalists working in the Indian Express children of Dhritarashtra? Don't they have their own stories to tell? Are they bound to twist their tales to suit the two decade old hatred of Modi, if they want to see the stories the light of the day in print? The poison has been imbibed so much that they would not even give credit to a new Chief Minister for her new successful initiatives. But if she had followed Modi's way, they will jump upon her for doing so and condemn the 'communal politics' whatever it may mean in the dictionary of Indian Express!
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SUPREME COURT 'FAMILY' Hey! What is this about a 'family'? I thought justice should not only be meted out, it should be done so openly and not in camera. After all Supreme Court is the 'Laundry of the Nation' and he is the washerman- in-Chief. Even if it is a family 'quarrel', I am afraid, dirty linen, if it belonged to any authority, needs to be washed in linen. The simple reason is the head of the 'family' always holds the stick and even uses it often. That is the reason he is always more feared than respected. Will the court direct any family member bringing a dispute before it to settle it among the family itself? Silly. I wish some Supreme Court insider will come out with a piece of its dirty linen in this matter. I cannot believe that a judge of the Supreme Court who is believed to be very mature, would have turned such a trivial issue into a national debate. Someone is trying to get his axe ground. Non-extension of office? Refusal of...
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PLAN OF THE DON (Feminine) "Where-is-Rahul?" story was hitting the headlines just a couple of weeks ago. After all the jokes and comments, the story died and nobody was bothered. Now Congress is trying to revive the story and hopes to create a momentum before his next appearance in about two weeks. Don't be surprised if he drops in all IPL matches. Once he appears, will the question "Where he was?" be answered truthfully? I do not think so. But the total secrecy about it makes me wonder where could he have been and on what errand. Note these things which were happening around the time he vanished. The whole country was fired up with the land bill and it was a great opportunity for him to enter politics again as a leader of the united opposition on this issue in Parliament and hog all the media attention. But he missed this great opportunity to rehabilitate himself totally. Why would he do this? What could have been more important than this to him? He i...
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SHUT UP! IF YOU ARE RELIGIOUS, DIE AND GO TO HEAVEN The way the whole country, VIPS, Judges, Ministers, MPs, et al, is talking about religion day in and day out, it will look to any outsider as though everybody in India is first a follower of some religion or the other and then an Indian interested in the development of the nation. I warn you! Keep this up some more and opposition parties will create a communal flare up which will go out of control. As the Hindi proverb goes: "Marta kya na karta?" Wake up while still there is some time. THE GIFT OF CONGRESS THAT HAS RUINED OUR NATION! Unreasonable labor unions are a gift of Congress to the nation when it promoted communism in the garb of socialism in India. The shining (?) example is West Bengal. After independence it was ruled for about ten years by Congress, but growing unionism dro...