India is of Indians. Does not 'belong' to any religion. It is
the other way. All those living in India are its citizens, whether born here or
have adopted it, belong to it. They may come and go, but India will remain
forever. One who was born here and became its citizen yesterday is as good an
Indian as anyone whose ancestors lived a thousand years back. All belong to
India. Hinduism is just one of the many religions. India does not differentiate
between its citizens on the basis of religion.
There is no 'Hindutva
Constitution' as such or 'Hindustan Republic'. Subramaniam Swamy (SS) can call
the nation or refer to the Constitution as he feels right. Makes no difference even if PM uses the phraseology.
Those who lived on the eastern banks of the river Sind were called Hindus by
Arabs. Before Arab invasion, India had
been invaded and settled by Aryan invaders who drove the Dravidians down
South. It is surprising the so called
original settlers' descendants like SS want to be known by an Arabic word! He
should instead call upon all Indians to apologize to the descendants of
Dravidians, known presently as Tamilians!
Do people of Tamil Nadu feel more Tamilian after the name of
their State Capital was changed to Chennai from Madras? Still
they are known in the North only as Madrasis. Why fight on an irrelevant and
non-existing useless issue? Will you feel more patriotic if you
are known as Hindustani rather than Indian? Silly. Pakistan has accepted the
Hindi word 'sthan' as a part of the name of their nation, though it is not even
a Urdu word. So what is SS' problem? When Arabs invaded India, it was not a
single nation and was not known by a single name. Southern States had their own
kingdoms and Tamil was a very different and distinct language from Sanskrit and
its derivatives spoken in other parts of India and even in other countries. What
is this non-sense about the present day Muslims should acknowledge and
apologize for whatever happened before 800 years? I do not recall SS having
demanded and got an apology from Britishers who left our shores hardly 70 yrs before!
Both religions recognize God exists everywhere. Then why this childish demand
for restoration of temples converted into mosques? What about the thousands of other mosques
dotting India all over? Don't they hurt SS as symbols of Islamic domination of
India 800 years before? Who is hurt? Who cares?
Let's not delude ourselves that we all stand totally united
as one for India. Far from it. The first allegiance of every
Indian is generally towards his State causing all infighting between regional
and national parties. We unite only when we are attacked; otherwise people of every State are on their own,
just putting up with others out of compulsion. If we recognize sectional
interests it is not only on the basis of Muslims, it is also based on various
caste based Hindu minorities, language, cultural differences, etc. So why not
SS talk about eradicating all such sectional interests before of harping on
only against minority Muslims. If some sections of minorities are trying to benefit
by such division to the detriment of national unity, it is an
entirely a different issue and should not be promoted as a Hindu vs Muslim
Before he bans cow slaughter, will he kindly make all
arrangements to take care of aged and deserted cows? Why only cows? Why not
buffaloes? Even pig is an avatar of Vishnu. We worship snake. Elephant is, of
course, Lord Ganesha and Lion Narasimha. Don't forget the lowly dog. They
represent our Vedas. Our scriptures are full of Gods who had taken the avatar
of animals. If this is the priority of the Home Minister, who is supposed to be
No.2 in the cabinet, Narendra Modi should be very lonely man indeed!
Before a driving license is issued all aspirants should be
made to view an hour long documentary with graphic photographs of what happens
to the car and driver involved in rash driving. It should also include brief
life history of people before and after rash driving and conviction and how
their life had changed after a jail term. It should also include how a brief
view of jail life including dress, food, living quarters, other inmates, etc. If
people are booked for speeding, it should be made compulsory for them to view
this movie repeatedly for several times in custody. Unless we change the mind
set of high speed and careless drivers, this epidemic cannot be contained.
Another sure and certain way is link the mindset of rash
drivers to accidents. Psychologists know that certain words or actions trigger
our mind and lead it to a specific action or feeling. These rash drivers should
undergo a session lasting not more than about 30 minutes in which they will get
images of serious accidents and personal injury whenever they happen to press
the accelerators beyond limit. They should also be shown the before and after lives of those who lived an enviable life before committing an accident and the lives they spent in jail. These are the most unobtrusive and almost certain
way of avoiding accidents. I would even suggest that this kind of mental
treatment should be made a regular feature before a license is granted.
Bhagwati is 100% right. All our media are following Goebbels'
doctrine. An oft repeated lie is perceived to be a fact by general
population. There are hundreds of thousands of churches in India. If one is
attacked by some miscreant, a hue & cry is made. Live report, interviews
with police, discussions, what he said news bits, all these fill the airwaves
creating a sense that hundreds of churches have been attacked. More
entertainment loving miscreants enter the field. Political parties are just
waiting for this moment. Foreign media steps in making this an international
issue. All because media was not responsible and could not wait till an investigation
is completed! And as suddenly the issue started making national headlines and debates, it also vanishes from everywhere as soon as another juicy issue is found! Shame on our media.
A Government Surveyor while on duty is attacked him just
because he will not allow the miscreant to see through his telescope. The local
reporter of the media while reporting to his editor adds on his own that the surveyor
was probably surveying land for acquisition by government. Media comes out with
the report that "Farmers attack government surveyor while protesting
against Land Acquisition Act." When this report is telecast repeatedly a
number of times in different platforms, it looks as though farmers are dead
against the land act. In the church attack instance also, the same is the
Sao Paulo, capital of Brazil, is undergoing a severe
shortage of water. There is no water in taps five days a week. On the other two
days only intermittent supply. The dam
supplying water to the city holds now only around 5% of its capacity! Why this
has happened to a country with the biggest river, densest jungles and most
fertile land?
For more than half a century, they destroyed their jungles
to reclaim land for growing cash crops; For export they encouraged meat and
poultry industries; they mined extensively for minerals, coal and diamond. They got more than what they wanted. They
became prosperous and a shining example of a backward country trying to compare
itself with very developed countries.
But alas, in a decade it is more likely to become the
poorest country begging for everything.
All because of going for
industrial revolution to uplift its poor and the nation itself, to the
exclusion of all other means.
Is there a lesson we should learn from Brazil's experiment?
(1) The PM should make sure that as much as possible ONLY
non-fertile land is used for industrial development. Especially there should
NOT be any conversion of fertile land in the process of industrialization.
(2) There should be a very strict watch on the consumption
levels of natural resources like water being used by industries. A very large
part of India being dependent ONLY on monsoons for both potable and
agricultural needs, as far as possible industries should NOT be allowed to
exploit ground water so much that the ground water levels go down drastically
over a couple of years. Industries should be made to use more of recycled water
not as an alternative, but at the stage of their planning stage itself.
(3) Facilities to
store rain water should be extensive and newly constructed buildings should
have invariably that facility. Village ponds should be given special care and
there should be enough of them in each village.
(4) The long talked about plan to connect all rivers in
India so that floods could be controlled and also river water could be well
distributed, should be taken up forthwith and completed as soon as possible.
(5) Dams should be constructed wherever possible to save
(6) Wherever substantial stored water is used for
recreational purposes or in places like hotels and restaurants, separate water
tax should be levied to restrict consumption.
(7) Soft drink companies waste a great lot of ground water.
They should be taxed very high to reduce their consumption. They should also be
allowed only a limited quantity of water, both ground and recycled.
These and other steps should be taken as a top priority.
That is the only way we can save India in the long run as a viable nation.
Otherwise by the time we should be celebrating 100th year of our independence,
we might as well be a dependent nation of one of the big powers at that time!
If a Land Acquisition Bill with following suggestions is
placed before farmers I am sure it will be acceptable:
1. In a market place there is always a seller. Let the
government announce that it is willing to buy any piece of land and any OWNER
of land can make an offer giving full details. One of the terms will be that
irrespective of the price paid by government to the seller, if the Government
purchases any adjacent land within a given period at a higher price, the
Government will also pay the difference to the seller at that time for the land
purchased by it now. This will avoid farmers not willing to sell now and wait
for a better price. Collectors of respective districts should be authorized to
buy the land offered after verification of ownership if the price is at market
level, take possession and fence it off. These pieces of land will be used
later for when compulsory purchase is effected
2. Once the general acquisition announcement period is over, Government
should announce further acquisition of specific land area on compulsory basis
at an enhanced price but with following conditions: 1) The whole price will be
paid in monthly installments over a period of say ten years. 2) During the
period the family members of owner will be fully covered for life insurance. 3)
If they so desire they can exchange their land for another piece of about the
same area at the price it was bought earlier by government. And other
incentives such as employment for one person, educational facilities, etc.
3. If the land is owned by someone who had bought it within
the earlier 3/4 years but does not farm himself, the amount payable will be
equal to the amount for which it was registered plus a nominal interest. No
other benefit will accrue. This will dissuade buying land for speculation.
4. The government should enact a law prohibiting farmers
selling their land to anyone without making the same offer to government.
Unless the government rejects the offer, the sale will not be permitted.
Selling the land to non-farmers or obtaining loan from private parties against
land should also be declared illegal. Co-Op and other banks may give loan
against land, but if the farmer defaults in payment of interest, the land
should be taken over by government at prevailing price. The government, by now,
should make it clear that all land belongs to government and the present owners
have perpetual right to use them for their own and their descendants' needs;
but they cannot pledge or sell the land to anyone else or rent it.
If farmers are unwilling to part with their land, we cannot
blame them. If a company where you have been working to earn a living, is in a
crisis and asks you to resign so that it could employ more capable hands to
save the company, would you do so just to save the company and other employees?
Most of our farmers have been farmers
and living in the same village and have known each other for
generations. Most of them are not much educated. They know the value of
education and have been able to send their children to cities while remaining
in the village. It is too late for them to relocate themselves. The fear of
unknown is very terrifying both to children as well as old. How many of our
leaders had given up their lands? In fact they have been accumulating land in
benami transactions! If they have to part with their land willingly, it will be
possible only if they are assured of regular income over a long period, say at
least 20 years. They are unlikely to go for big lump sum payments because they
know the money will be spent away by their children and in setting up new
house, etc. and they will be left with nothing. Instead of paying them Rs.5
lakhs per acre, if they are paid Rs.5000/- per month for 20 years they might
respond better. To sweeten the deal they could also be offered a life cover for
a couple of more lakhs and an assured job for someone in the family. If
alternative land in the same village or anywhere else is also offered even at a
nominal price, I am sure they will take it.
First of all, the reporter seems to be quite aggressive with
pre-conceived notions about the Gujarat Government. He is using the word 'rips
into..' in the headline and the like of slammed, tore apart, tall claims, etc.
while commenting on CAG's report. I am pretty sure these words were not used in
the CAG's report.
We rank performance by comparison. When things are good, we
compare who performed the best and when things have been bad, still whose
performance was the best even under trying conditions. This report does not
give a single comparison with the performance of any other State during the
same period. Modi was CM for three terms. To be fair to the CM, the progress
made by Gujarat from his first term to the last term should have been compared,
which is not done. Even better would have been if at least the performance of
other States during the same period is made. To the minimum even a few
instances from the same report have been quoted where Gujarat had done better
it will at least 'look better' as a balanced report. But alas this report is
right from the stables of TOI which thrives in abusing wherever it is possible.
It has been the case with all media with a few exceptions.
Wherever you find a word of appreciation, multiply it by a hundred and divide
by hundred while reading this kind of reports.
Guys in Delhi would have been happy if the garbage is just
collected and moved from roads! Cannot but envy Mumbaikars who are having this
luxury. Incidentally, can the High Court suggest some way in which the
mountains of garbage collected everyday could be disposed off, if not burnt?
Where is the land available for burying it or would the HC like it is dumped in
the sea? With the not big budget the municipality has, should it give
preference to drainage in view of the fast approaching monsoon season, or to
the innumerable pot holes, or to the intermittent water or electricity supply
or .... garbage burning?
It is well known that frivolous cases are filed just before
release of some movies which are expected to be hits, just to extract money
from producers and distributors. Courts as a rule should not give any stay
order if the movie has been cleared by Censor Board or if the case is not filed
at least a couple of months before its release date. This will effectively curb
case for some consideration!
Surjewala is right. Rahul has NOT taken a holiday. He is
trying to find ways to strengthen the Congress and just now he is checking if
he quits Congress, whether it will be strengthened. He will be back after two
months of absence and see how much Congress has been strengthened BECAUSE of
his absence. Then he will submit his resignation or go off for a longer period
to make sure his absence positively affects Congress!
Tobacco is grown in very fertile land as a cash crop. If land
use is appropriately controlled legally and at the same time finished products
like bidi and cigarettes are ruthlessly taxed, then only there is some hope of
people even trying to quit this bad habit. In the USA tax on cigarettes is
about Rs.61, around 50% of the cost of a pack of 20 cigarettes. Public
awareness and campaign against smoking is having a good effect on reduction in
the number of smokers.
BJP MPs and Ministers still seem to continue to be afflicted
with the disease diarrhea of the mouth!
What is the hurry, Supreme Court! It is only just 22 years
since the issue came up. Take your time. If all the previous governments had
not bothered to follow up vigorously, why assume that the present government
may not 'prosecute'(!) the case diligently? Will the SC keep in mind that
people have awakened now and have elected a government with adequate majority in
Lok Sabha; Rajya Sabha will follow suit in the next couple of years. Government
administration has changed. It is now time that the Supreme Court also keep in
mind the aspirations of people for economic development to the exclusion of all
other frivolous issues?
How could a kerosene seller set up shop and store kerosene in
a crowded locality? Is there no rule of law in Delhi nowadays? As AAP asks PM
to explain personally everything, I ask Kejriwal: Where are you Kejriwal? Still
busy hatching conspiracies again?
your own members?
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