Nirupam says: "As long as Muslim votes are for sale, the community will remain backward and its leaders will become rich." How right he is! Really, he is right once this time! Unfortunately the same thing is right when you apply to it to Maratha votes also. How come in the business capital of India, Mumbai, Marathas are the poorest? Because of Shiv Sena and its taking Marathas for a ride by trying to do their best to use dharnas and morchas to obstruct progress in every which way they can.

Nirupam makes feel Singhvi feel disgusted. Naturally and rightfully so. Disenfranchisement of any community should make every democrat feel likewise. But does he feel in the same way about his Congress Party also which led to this comment? Was it not the Congress Party which played the politics of communalism and thus encouraged both Hindu and Muslim communalists to take roots? Did not Congress leaders took the side of Muslims in every aspect of life by reservations and exclusive benefits? If Congress does it for Muslims it is OK; but if Shiv Sena opposes it, it becomes 'disgusting'? I did not feel 'disgusted' when I saw your famous video, because you had a right to live your scum dog life. You have no right to feel that way towards other dogs.  


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