Friends of India! While sitting in the USA as its citizen, I am crying while reading the news of Dr. Vivek Murthy being sworn in as the Surgeon General of the USA! My heart goes out to the millions upon millions of you, who have the same opportunities as Dr. Murthy's grand-father. Not all grandsons of Indians who migrated to India, have reached such eminent position; but surely many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, believe me, have reached an economic level here in the USA in which they could easily be called, in rupee terms  crorepatis! Their percentage among Indians here in the USA, will be as much as the percentage of poor to the population in India, probably. 

How could this happen? Almost all Indians here are focused in being good citizens, educated and caring for the good of the nation. They are NOT as much interested in local politics except to vote for the party in which they believe in; but hardly in any day-today interaction. For every parent here, their child is the next Einstein, next Bill Gates, next Warren Buffett. This is all because of only one thing. Focus and emphasis on education, education, education. To the exclusion of everything else. For self and family. It is the same reason why the USA is at the top of the world today: because it invested more in education in long term than any other nation in the world. When it is the question of education nothing comes to distort the focus. Neither religion or caste, nor economic status of the family. After focusing like this for 200 years, they are where they are now.

Analyzing on and on why India is where it is now or who is responsible for it and playing blame games will help only those who do not care for all this, but focus on their own and their children's education by having lesser competition! If you do not want our farmers not to commit suicide in thousands year after year, our poor remain poor for decades, generation after generation (which might include you and your future generations also), focus on education, focus on good governance, focus on the welfare of your neighborhood; forget petty politics. Don't waste your time in purposeless media surfing and writing vulgar abusive comments. For God's sake have some ambition for YOURSELF, don't become the flag bearers and foot-soldiers for self-seeking politicians without an iota of concern for the nation and its people. 



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