Sajal Nandy says so in response to Prashant Bhushan's open letter:

Seroiusly Mr Bhusan? Are you so naive that you never played a Game of Chess where creating a web of deterrence system is the key to win. Tinkering with congress support is that deterrence system .. you never understand ? It gave AAP multiple maneuvering space --- 1. It kept its own flock together particularly the faction of MLAs who wanted to defect;2, It kept BJP frustrated in its bid ;3. It gave AAP the enough time to prepare. "In November, you called Nikhil Dey and asked him to speak to Rahul Gandhi to convince him to get the Congress party to support. But Nikhil told you that he can't talk to Rahul Gandhi on this issue." This episode was the master stoke of AAP. However Nikhil Dey declined to talk with Rahul Gandhi , the news reached to Amit Shah. And desperate BJP was forced to dissolve assembly and declare election. Thats the CHECKMATE move , Mr Bhsuan. Are you so naive really?? As the head of Disciplinary Committee you should have censored your father Mr, Shanti Bhusan, but instead you just distanced yourself from your father's 'honest' views. Sorry Sir,you should not have mentioned your father's seed money of 2 cr Donation.  Its in bad taste for a political party where others too have left job which can be measured in monetary terms. Moreover this mention gives the impression that your father is the OWNER of AAP and he wants to fire The CEO, Mr,Arvind Kejriwal and hire Mr, Yogendra Yadav in his place. Its very very poor taste.

In reply to: Sajal Nandy: One of the rules for winning a debate is: Pick some weak points from the opponents' argument and elaborately put it down, thereby putting down the whole argument of your opponent. Read the book: "Straight and Crooked Thinking" published in the last century but still available. The only problem with this strategy is people feel a bit confused at the end of it. Truth is very powerful and biased crooked arguments can never win over it.

About AK's intelligence being almost equal to that of Chanakya according to you, I don't think even his wife thinks so high of it! Probably you forget that this is the guy who ran away from responsibility and abdicated his kingdom at the first sign of a serious problem. His abusive language against his seniors confirms his intolerance and mean mind. His abandoning avowed ideals irrevocably only to surmount a transitory problem, indicates the shallowness of his intelligence. Whoever he might become in due course, surely he is not going to be a leader for long.


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