This $20 increase in Prime service fee is sheer profit for Amazon. The reason for their increased Prime is not just profit. It is quite different. When their competitors find Amazon charging $90, they might go up as high as $70 or $80 to remain competitive and at the same time make some money. But the competitors might forget that the higher their service charges, the lesser will be the number of people who will quit Amazon. What the local shops can do to successfully compete is, put on their website their whole shop live with details of price and discounts. The customer should be able to see the product live on shelf and also get its price and whatever other details could be given. Once he makes his purchases, the shop should arrange for delivery at his house in a few hours. For local shops it should not be a problem. Home delivery at home within a couple of hours should be available for those also who shop in person but would like to avoid the tedium of carting home. They can save time and attend to some other errand . Amazon cannot match this.


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