When it comes to looting, everyone joins the mob! Claims planned for billions from Google!

I have never come across a nation full of people all of whom think that the government, corporations and all services owe them but they do not owe anything other than the tax, grudgingly paid after availing all that could be avoided! Such selfishness! We want the best of food at the least price. The best of services at our beck and call. A free internet which is saving them hundreds of dollars on telephone bills and is making their life so comfortable. Nobody thinks twice before putting on the web their most personal details. But if the companies providing free service or providing service at throw away price, want to collect anonymously data about them for giving better service, they are up in arms and think of ways how to milk those companies out of billions of dollars! How tasty it is when they bite the hand that feeds them! So called 'big people' with small minds!



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