Sushma's disapproval is a shining example of how and when democracy in any institution fails. Real democracy is discussion before decision and once a decision is reached, accepting it in to-to without any reservation. You don't have to change your mind. But your views should not undermine the majority view. Democracy is such a delicate idea. You nurture it, it grows. You ignore it, it dies. Human beings consume things which are good and bad. Predominance of good things keeps the body healthy and of bad things, weaken it, destroy it. Sushma and people placed in similar positions should know that unless and until you subordinate your own views and thoughts to the decisions taken collectively, you not only start sowing the seeds of your own downfall, but also that of your party. When the institution thus affected starts going downhill , you will know and people will know who all contributed towards this downfall. You will be left with two things only. Instant popularity (?) and being known as the one who threw the first stone to hit a great and growing institution. You will see before your eyes the fall of the institution which you had nurtured with your sweat and blood all these years. No action which you might take to rectify such a situation will help you. Think over while still there is time.


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