If at all India's PM had a twin ruling another nation, it would be President Obama! Softspoken to a fault, always deferring to others' views. Never imposing himself. Believing in the goodness of others! And finally getting hardly anything done!

You cannot have the cake and eat it too! Or it takes two hands to clap! Or you can take a horse to drink but cannot make it drink! Whether you resort to military action or economic sanction, as you tighten the screws, so Putin gets time and opportunity to retaliate in his own way. We are long past the negotiation stage. Whatever action we take should stun the opposition. Just as Putin did. We were totally aware what he was proposing to do but we wanted to fight with words! We ruled our armed help to Ukraine right in the beginning, allowing Putin to be more aggressive. Now for another proverb: You cannot make an omelets without breaking the egg!


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