My Selection of the best of the Tweets I came across so far Today -I! (April 14, 2017)
Jesse Lehrich @JesseLehrich
withdrawing from an unprecedented 194-country
agreement to tackle climate change would be a disgrace & would diminish our global leadership.
Washington Post @washington Post
Trump’s EPA chief Scott Pruitt calls for an ‘exit’ to the Paris climate agreement

Scott Pruitt calls for an ‘exit’ from the Paris accord, sharpening the Trump administration climate rift
World nations follow a leader on the way up, not on way down. Otherwise, Putin wud hv been leading the world! Today our nation has lost the confidence of all nations in our words and our signature has become worthless. Now every 1 of them can violate all agreements with impunity & V can't hold them 2 their commitments. It is sad our President has become so self-centered! Look ahead 2 what will happen 2 our economy when dollar takes a dive! If 1 nation starts dumping it, others will follow like lemmings! Throw him out w/out formalities still some time is left!
All big international bankers w/out distinction, including Russia & China, have joined hands and have been heavily shorting dollar & going long on their own currencies. They will make a pile when dollar takes a dive. They knew of Putin's plot and therefore this is the ONLY way they could have saved themselves. Even friendly governments overlook this as the USA is already overextended and they would not like to sink with us. They might be thinking of reorganizing under some European leader. Can there be any other earthly reason for our markets moving up?
Jesse Lehrich @JesseLehrich
withdrawing from an unprecedented 194-country
agreement to tackle climate change would be a disgrace & would diminish our global leadership.
Washington Post @washington Post
Trump’s EPA chief Scott Pruitt calls for an ‘exit’ to the Paris climate agreement
Scott Pruitt calls for an ‘exit’ from the Paris accord, sharpening the Trump administration climate rift
World nations follow a leader on the way up, not on way down. Otherwise, Putin wud hv been leading the world! Today our nation has lost the confidence of all nations in our words and our signature has become worthless. Now every 1 of them can violate all agreements with impunity & V can't hold them 2 their commitments. It is sad our President has become so self-centered! Look ahead 2 what will happen 2 our economy when dollar takes a dive! If 1 nation starts dumping it, others will follow like lemmings! Throw him out w/out formalities still some time is left!
All big international bankers w/out distinction, including Russia & China, have joined hands and have been heavily shorting dollar & going long on their own currencies. They will make a pile when dollar takes a dive. They knew of Putin's plot and therefore this is the ONLY way they could have saved themselves. Even friendly governments overlook this as the USA is already overextended and they would not like to sink with us. They might be thinking of reorganizing under some European leader. Can there be any other earthly reason for our markets moving up?
Natural, she is a patriotic Paki with diplomatic immunity here …
When she has friends like Hafiz Saeed and Pervez Musharraf, why should bidet need any enemies!
Love the slogan " Jiska Kam Uttam Hai Uska Naam Narottam Hai"
Thank u for making Datia a better place …
@narehndramodi Well said. It's a fact that no 1 forgets whoever feeds his hungry stomach. A man's heart R a woman too, is thru the stomach! Jaya Lalitha's cheap but clean food stalls 4 poor all over TNadu kept her in power until her death in spite of all corruption & sycophancy!
Around 630 million people in #SouthEastAsia, including #India, using #water from sources contaminated with faeces: #WHO.
@narendramodi With this health hazard if we can do so much imagine how well V cud do if V pay a little more attn 2 this! Duniya Jeet Lengey!
IPL should introduce a Special Prize 4 Exceptional Individual Effort for excellent fielding like the one by R.Chahar of RPS in RPS vs GL! It's not only batsmen & bowlers, fielders also matter, but go entirely unrecognized. This omission should be corrected.
If u find a tweet good but know a better addressee, do RT 2 that address & 2 the original sender. It will help making better use of Twitter!
Uncle Abdullah,why r U not sending ur son Omar n grand children to join these #StonePelters ?#FarooqVsGambhir @adgpi …
Why can't this old man go himself, if he is so fired up? All arm-chair heroes fighting their battles on twitter, like me!
इसरो 'दक्षिण एशिया उपग्रह' का प्रक्षेपण करेगा, पाकिस्तान को छोड़ कई देशों को मिलेगा इसका फायदा …
#ISRO #Pakistan

See the attitude of Pakistani presstitute NDTV. It's not India refused help. It is Pakistan that declined! See the headline & read the news!
The April issue of CSA News asks – Can Ancient Grains find their way in modern agriculture?
Read the full story:

@narendramodi This is an article which will be useful to MILLIONS OF OUR FARMERS if taken seriously. Cud your office take this up seriously?
Pakistan has yet again rejected India's request for consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav
The proverb says: "Laat ke bhoot baat nahin mante!"
"The lands of the colonized have always served as the West's laboratory for newest weapons of war" @BayoumiMoustafa
You are 100% right! Maybe North Korea or some other oppressed African or Far Eastern or South American nation will return the compliment! May be the current turmoil in the Middle East itself is a form of retribution for past oppression, though in the ugliest fashion?
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