My Selection of the best of the Tweets I came across so far Today! (April 9, 2017)

Any more guys wanting a go at defining an elephant?
When solids convert into liquid/waves, evaporate into air/atoms, then further convert themselves into energy and ultimately all energies merge into one, then that form of nothing but ENERGY (Shakti) is known as God! That is what Hindus believe as "Ultimate" (Anth) or "Soonya" (Zero). When there is nothing left but only the form of "Energy", calling it ONE or Soonya makes no difference. and this cycle never ends." We call it "Play of God" the meaning of which is beyond imagination.
Arre Bhai! Yeh to band bajanewale lagte hain! Kitne mein becha? black or white? nakad in new notes or old notes? Make sure. Ek number aur do number ke thag hain!
Rohit Sharma was responsible for the thrilling match! But for his failing to bat again, they could have won this match sleeping!
She is an extremist animal lover. Just like us, extreme in one way or the other. People of both extremes hate each other. Those in the middle suffer as they are unable to make up who is right!
Shehla Rashid @Shehla_Rashid
What if Muslims were to form vigilante groups & go around killing innocents? How would the press describe it? How would Supreme Court react?
@RanaAyyub It is time you, modern version of Miss Katherine Mayo (whom Gandhiji made 'famous' by calling her reporting as excellent as that of a very thorough drain inspector), quit Gujarat riots and picked up some other cesspool to thoroughly investigate to make a living! Boring!
trutherbotred @trutherboted

@narendramodi Exactly what our Prime Minister is doing! Good advice!
Anyone having more than 2 children, marrying before attaining legal age won't be eligible for Assam govt. jobs under new population policy.
Legal Age 4 marriage is 21 4 male & 18 4 girls. So it applies only 2 girls! Unfair! Y this act needed 4 male if it's illegal 2 marry B4 21?
Core issues like RTE, Freeing Temples of Govt controls and addressing Demographic issues have to be dealt with else we cud loose this moment
@narendramodi Temples R tax exempt & govt needs 2 control only how the money is spent. It shud b applied 2 ALL places of worship uniformly!
Media persons from Maharashtra...all made hell on J Dey's murder and became silent when found killed by colleague Jigna Vora Go to/ Go…
Journalist thanked CM @Dev_Fadnavis for passage of bill for Prevention of Violence against media persons & institutions in State legislature
Does it apply to presstitutes also? They should come under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals!
My political assessment after 2 days in Varanasi - Modi ji is losing Varanasi. He shud therefore concentrate on vadodara.
In Delhi elections, Kejri is telling people: U always knew I never tell what will happen. Then Y R U blaming me 4 not keeping any promises?

She is an extremist animal lover. Just like us, extreme in one way or the other. People of both extremes hate each other. Those in the middle suffer as they are unable to make up who is right!
Shehla Rashid @Shehla_Rashid
What if Muslims were to form vigilante groups & go around killing innocents? How would the press describe it? How would Supreme Court react?
No if. Is that not what Daesh is doing and what your brethren terrorists did against KPs? The Supreme Court is yet to list the PIL of KPs …
@Shehla_Rashid Presumption of innocence is the trait of every murderer. If U read real journos, not Presstitutes, yr mind will be disabused!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rana Ayyub
Our PM does not have a word to say about the terrorists in Alwar, Odisha and to think we called Manmohan Singh a silent PM
Today u proved, ur book Gujrat files is only against Modi ji. U have no value for human life whether person is hindu or muslim.
Get lost …

@RanaAyyub It is time you, modern version of Miss Katherine Mayo (whom Gandhiji made 'famous' by calling her reporting as excellent as that of a very thorough drain inspector), quit Gujarat riots and picked up some other cesspool to thoroughly investigate to make a living! Boring!
trutherbotred @trutherboted

@narendramodi Exactly what our Prime Minister is doing! Good advice!
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