Selected Tweets (II) - April 23, 2017
@narendramodi I was listening to OUR great musicians Naushad, Majrooh Sultanpuri, Rafi, Atif Alam & others! Would you dislike them just because they happened to be Muslims?
@narendramodi Was listening 2 OUR great musicians Naushad, Majrooh, Rafi & others! Would U dislike them just because they happen 2B Muslims? My grandson here in the USA is a genius! But knows nothing either about Xianity R Hinduism! Should it make any difference to my love of him?
NDTV: A 12-Year-Old Won A 250-Rupee Cricket Bet But Lost His Life. Go to:

I bet the boy who killed the one who died, is a Muslim and that is why this presstitute site did not name him! No Hindu boy could have done it! No Indian parent wud have brought up his children 2 commit such heinous crime! In general, meat eaters R more prone to violence than vegans!
NDTV: Sonu Nigam Azaan Row: Saif Ali Khan Says Singer's Twees Were 'A Bit Aggressive'
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Yeah! You are right. Continue with these undesirable provocations and all Hindus will show you what being really aggressive actually means!
When V talk of a wall on our border with Mexico, Y don't V say anything abt our Canadian border? R all those entering thru it clean as snow? Abt H1B visa, should V accept if India refuses to issue visas to Xian missionaries as their only job is converting Hindus to Christianity?
Taj Mahal is a kabr! You should give it the respect it deserves, as you would expect people of other religion to respect your shmashan ghat.
Dear @NarendraModi This is how scamster @AroonPurie & @Indiatoday "Choreograph" farmer woes/protests @Timesnow @newsx @ndtv @CNNnews18
I knew late Ashokji Singhal of VHP 4 long while living in India. He had told me India Today was foreign funded 2 subvert India.

Khote paise itne mahenge?
Funny these guys move heaven & earth to become MPs and hardly attend any session! Y not pay them based on attendance as salaried employees?
@narendramodi I was listening to OUR great musicians Naushad, Majrooh Sultanpuri, Rafi, Atif Alam & others! Would you dislike them just because they happened to be Muslims?
@narendramodi Was listening 2 OUR great musicians Naushad, Majrooh, Rafi & others! Would U dislike them just because they happen 2B Muslims? My grandson here in the USA is a genius! But knows nothing either about Xianity R Hinduism! Should it make any difference to my love of him?
NDTV: A 12-Year-Old Won A 250-Rupee Cricket Bet But Lost His Life. Go to:
I bet the boy who killed the one who died, is a Muslim and that is why this presstitute site did not name him! No Hindu boy could have done it! No Indian parent wud have brought up his children 2 commit such heinous crime! In general, meat eaters R more prone to violence than vegans!
NDTV: Sonu Nigam Azaan Row: Saif Ali Khan Says Singer's Twees Were 'A Bit Aggressive'
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Yeah! You are right. Continue with these undesirable provocations and all Hindus will show you what being really aggressive actually means!
When V talk of a wall on our border with Mexico, Y don't V say anything abt our Canadian border? R all those entering thru it clean as snow? Abt H1B visa, should V accept if India refuses to issue visas to Xian missionaries as their only job is converting Hindus to Christianity?
धमाकेदार :कट्टरपंथियों की बैंड बजाते हुए VHP वालों ने ताजमहल में घुसकर फहरा दिया भगवा !
Taj Mahal is a kabr! You should give it the respect it deserves, as you would expect people of other religion to respect your shmashan ghat.
Dear @NarendraModi This is how scamster @AroonPurie & @Indiatoday "Choreograph" farmer woes/protests @Timesnow @newsx @ndtv @CNNnews18
I knew late Ashokji Singhal of VHP 4 long while living in India. He had told me India Today was foreign funded 2 subvert India.
Why blame SC when Govt Vakils still argue on UPA's appeal filed in 2011? BJP Govt, if they have courage of conviction should have changed it …
@narendramodi SC has only reinstated the case. How do you SC has NOT done it with a view to dismiss the case once for all after the hearing? I have complete unwavering confidence in our Modiji! In his India, der jaroor hoti hai, lekin andhera kabhi nahin! Hv U forgotten the very recent instance the introduction of demonetization? How were many of U wringing your hands that the PM was @ fault?
हंसा हंसा के मार डालोगे क्या?

Khote paise itne mahenge?
Be it Gau Rakshaks' or 'Poor Tamil farmers' these elements are planted,funded by anti nationals with mission to tarnish and destablize India
@narendramodi Thank U 4 the expose! Hope some agency keeps a record of these things & gives wide publicity, especially abt the main actor!
Best is Rahul Gandhi Parliament Record - Attendance -54%, Number of Questions asked- 0, Pvt.Members Bill- 0
Below Average MP by any measure!
I am an ordinary member of AAP for 3 yrs. Not active. Do not talk to leadership or advice. Support the grassroots democracy concept.
If you don't talk to leadership or advice, what is the purpose of your supporting grassroots democracy concept? Achar dalne?
Natalie, an Italian-Canadian gives best in her soulful rendition of Indian National Anthem.
Go to:

Great! Touchingly sung from the soul! Thanks.
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